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strukturformel Kortison damion fluchtversuch windel bauanleitung Kreuzwortraetsel Romulus romulus kattun foto talgdruese am penis rolltuer weihnachten bilder weihrauchgefaess Vorderansicht Planetengetriebe reaktivfarbstoff Gnathobdellidae LEGO Download Bauplan laserstrahlhaerten arbeitslager stahnsdorf philipp juengling Fremdenfuehrer in Strassburg zuckerglasur master slave rueckstellknopf Belastungsanzeige Radler Macho Feldzug Wicklung Buckliger Fristversaeumnis Bildformat Braunkohlenteeroel Paprika Mode Formularvorschub Kastendrachen Crash Weinlese Laufkatze Offenbarung Wirtschaftspruefer Wirkleistung Fussreifen Leistungsselbstschalter Schnappschalter Florist Wintersaison Muskelkater Grundhaltung Sicherheitsbeauftragter Voliere Mittelstueck Druckertreiber Magnesiumsilikat Kopierer Grauguss Modulator ABC Verdrahtung Maennerchor Kaskadenmotor Kommunique Kaesehaendler Tochterfirma Mautschlagbaum Diaet Operationsradius Billiarde Dickdarm aldi feuermelder Volksvertreter Assistentenstelle 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Vakuumtonschneider Verbindungsentgelt Amphitheater Kinderstube Groschenroman Elision Trennscheibe Heimlichkeit Ladenpreis Geistern Schreinerei Feinfuehligkeit Steckverriegelung Keulenkopf Rumpfquerschnittswinkel Kassierer Gepaeck Zweisamkeit Skatspieler Ganztagsarbeit Schlaefrigkeit Oberflaechenabfluss Tiermedizin Schneckenbohrer Entleiher Abschlagen Flurabstandsgleiche Markenwaechter Korund Tanklager Lichteinfall Blindstopfen Zuleitungsrohr Blattvorschub Aromabad Traegheitsgesetz turteltaube zucht valerie garbsen Grundfunktionsglied Fischcremesuppe Tuerblatt bauplan einer kiesgrube Gehversuch Systemgenerierung Haltescheibe Abholung Stuckverzierung Arbeitsverteilung bauanleitung reetdach vogelhaus Hotelbesitzer Zwischenhandel Protozoon Sprengwerk Aristokratie Hypoidgetriebe Splitterbombe selbstbau Einadressrechner Karotin Codierung Waehrungsumstellung Staatswohl Altersfreibetrag Umkehrbarkeit Atompilz Mietzins Bauzeit Anwendungsgenerator Ermessen Baugebiets Vogelfutter Literaturkritik Spoiler Verklausulierung Spielsaal Misere Muellentsorgung Werkzeugwagen Lochstreifenkarte Mitangeklagter Cauchyfolge Streiks Blut Sitzbadewanne Anmeldedatum Tadler amerikanische truppenuebungsplatz aschaffenburg Siedepunkt Vollbesitz Waehlvorrichtung Hiermit Zusammenhanglosigkeit Basisadresse Zahnschmelz Geschaeftsfrau Romanschriftsteller Gehorsam Erzherzogin Additionsbefehl Tastendruckwiederholung Suppenkelle Klarsichtpackung Zotte Schaltwippe Huegel Computergestuetzter Durchdringverbindung Zwiesprache Luftschlange Theosophie Desorption Zahngrund Europa Kinderschreck Clique Anglist Plumpheit Mangel Lokal Saeulentempel Widerspruch Saenger Kasack Einwanderungsbehoerde Baseballstadion Drehknopf instrumententafel herstellung Bandstahl Neumond Bildausgabe Postamt Abfragestation Krieg Vorsorge Schultergelenk Wechselmakler Uebelkeit Quacksalberprodukt Wiederaufnahme Trommellaenge Zugangsbuchung Technologe Strassenkreuzer Weinhandlung Vorschriften Wertzuwachssteuer Stenographie Jahrtausendwahn Adoption Rollen Blauaugenscharbe Oppositioneller Schneebedeckung Feuerwehr Projektion Bereichsmatrix Ventilspiel Laken Handballenschalter Jagdzeit Tennis Ausspracheform Stehpult Medizintechnik Liebespaar Modularitaet Schusswaffe Ergaenzungswahl Niederdruckwaechter Nieten Vervielfaeltigungstechnik Stimmzettel Ewiggestriger Ungestoertheit Buchdrucker Deckblatt Mittel Gestellen Moschusgeruch Machen NE-Metall Hoechstkraft Dauerauftrag Fratze Taschentuch Messzeit betriebsweihnachtsfeier spiele Grundeigentuemer Periskop Geldstrafe Beherrscher Rosshaar Waermezufuhr Zitterpappel Wimpel Blechkiste Nacherzaehlung Abbruchunternehmen Programmende Seitenblick Membranbeluefter Irgendetwas Wattepropf Blei-Borglasur Wandler Wohngemeinschaft Kerbnagel Dorf Zuschlaggehalt Pyramidenstumpf Effekt Schauspielkunst Keratitis Nachtgeschirr Sicherheitssystem Gerade Pruefstein Isolierklasse Mess-Messapparatur Startreihe Fachwerktraeger Konversationslexikon Gesittung Bedienungsmassnahme Gasbehaelter Kommunikee Schabemesser Noetigung Arsch Baukalk Abweg Verschlussdeckel Bruchstuecken Handmuehle Wohnboot Primaerdatei Doppelsteckschluessel Tastaturkurzbefehl Gelbwurz Schrumpffolie Kuppelungskette Raumteiler Arbeitsorganisation Null-Steckkraft Pornographie Segel Stellenwert Rollschinken Auslieferungsvertrag durchschnittsverdienst genetiker Spinnmaschine Ethylacetat Luftrichtung Vorausbewilligung Erfolgsautor Fremdgeraet Buchkauf Spitztuete Auswuchs Bierhefe Safe Stellwand Eisenbeschlag Preisboxkampf Abgemacht Personifikation Gewalttaetikeit Lorelei Kunststoffschweissen Ehrenplatz Landwirtschaft Altassistent Arbeitszuteilung Beamtensprache Flachstahlbuegelschelle Ausloeseknopf Grundstueck Druckqualitaet Johannisbrot Bandkontakt Tierschuetzerin Fanal Liegeplatz Konsumgenossenschaft Sekundaerliteratur Grafenwuerde Schnellverkehr Sonnenhut Konzertfluegel Basisdemokratie Tuerrahmen Nietstift Erdschluss Ausschilderung Taxenstand Kathedrale Euklid Abnuetzung Blockschelle Gastronomie Wuerfel Gesamtschwindung Syntaxfehler Spediteuruebernahmebescheinigung Kontenzuordnung Begriffsumfang Suppenteller konkavlinse funktion Autobushaltestelle Massnahmepaket Arbeitskittel Arzneitee Gekritzel Wasserleitung Gaul Systementwickler Farbzuordnung Nebenzimmer Bodenwasserspannung Detlef Kornett Foto Zeitung Innentuer Frankierung Stammform Krankenpfleger Na spiele fuer die betriebsweihnachtsfeier Selbstbetrug Zustaendigkeit Dekorbrand Abtasttheorem Freilaufsteckschluessel Integralverfahren Blizzard Einschnuerung Handschaltung Zahlenwert Aufspaltung Tuete Mauerwerkswand Stele Klanganalyse Mond Homepage Sachbereich Kontenbestandsband Behandlung Sauerstoffzelt Sklavenhandel Augenbraue Abholbereich Mikrophotogramm Gulasch Gluehkatode Rippenfell Loesungsmittel Armspange Geschmackssache Stift Stanze Visierlinie Beratungstaetigkeit Knast Bord Tragjoch Konzentration Radius Oelbad Saeugling Bravour Busleitung Seilablenkung Fussballspieler Sende-Empfangs-Betrieb Rinderwahnsinn Rittersches Schnittverfahren Abzweigdose Gesellschaftsvertrag Dachs Bauanleitung Modellbau Wagentuer Anwenderfreundlichkeit Bioturbation Lebenswandel Ruecksichtnahme Dezimalzahlen Uebungsaufgabe Lastkollektivspeicher Eingangssignal Schluesselanalyse Touristik-Information Anlagenstammsatz Richtfunkstrecke Vergletscherung Hutmacher Zusatzklausel Springbock Rebound-Effekt Vorausnahme Loesungsbedingungen Ungleichartigkeit Schwarzmarkt Ultraschalluntersuchung Nervengeflecht Widerhaken Erfassungsblock Dieselramme Abflussrinne Duenger Zugriffsprogramm Rechnungswesen Grobplanung Pomp Ankerbauart Spiegeltelegraf Befehlskette Brunnenbau Zarge Zweilochmutterndreher Zwischenprogramm Lethargie Hunne Autofahrer Dekollete Walfaenger Koerperkreislauf Klebeeinrichtung Vorschule Einlagerung Kampflust Quittungsanforderung Schiebeeis Diaetplan Widder Moertelschlamm Flusssaeure Spielkasino Sklavereigegner Aufschlaemmung Traubenhyazinthe Bauleitung Lesestift Plattenelement Vertrages Rohrweite Katz Abgase Sekretariat Kunsteisbahn Miturheber Basisinstrument Pensionsalter Linieneschreiber Fressorgie Wasserkanne Maschinenpark Wortklasse Unbedenklichkeit Streichinstrument Meridiankreis Zugbewehrung Sanftmut Rechenvorgang Upgrade Nonne Luftlinie Betragsausrechnung Hausmiete Adressenuebersetzung Bedienpult Lysin Anpassungsvorrichtung Schreihals Schuldner Argwohn Tonfall Scheinwerfer Zukunftsmusik Aufmacher Feinjustierung Seitenaufprallschutz Abfuellbetrieb Grundpfeiler Schulungsprotokoll Leitplanke Traumpaar Hypokaustum Verlaub Gasmischung Bogensprung Tauchspule Trinkwasserenthaertungsanlage Widerwillen Aussteifung Anregelzeit Transparenz Garant Tektonik Isolationshalterung Anfeuerungsruf Erklaerung Meile Wissensstand Meisterbrief Kartoffelstaerke Schwanzflosse Durchbringen Griffmutter Veruntreuung Zeh Gruen Funken Kampffaehigkeit Halbleitertechnologie Hetzer Europlatine Reifenheber Urlaubsgefaehrte Fuer Verdunstungsmesser Harnleiter Verlagsbuchhaendler Sudelei Milchglas Normierung Sorgenfalte Schadensersatzanspruch Folie Entlegenheit Hartriegel Beckenknochen Scheibenfeder Gleichstromerzeuger Basketball Zerfallsmechanismus Kleidergeschaeft Ragtime Ausgeherlaubnis Gewinner Jaegersprache Herzhaftigkeit gewehr funktionsweise schnittzeichnung Ofensetzer Graeueltat Winkelmessung Kasernendienst Vignette Blindenhund Weihbischof Nachzuegler Anklagevertretung Weissager Grundsatzdiskussion Wehen achmed radio stuttgart Apfelbaum Alliteration Druckkontakt Partie Aufbau Ionenaustauschchromatographie Grundkonzept Steuerrad Verwendbarkeit jana strobel Hoftheater Strafverfolgung Anprall Osterhase Grundgeraet Zugabe Wahlwerbung Werbungsnachlass Schwingkreis Homosexualitaet/ Eiskunstlaeufer Oktavband Fernschreiben Formteil Konditionszahl Coprozessor Systems Bringer erotische abendgarderobe Rekordversuch Rotstift Nazigruss Verkehrserziehung Verfechtbarkeit Metallherstellung Hutschachtel Mittelpunkt Abzahlungskauf Feldsteuerung Polanordnung Markenmilch Verbrechen Pferdedecke Guthaben Ansprechdruck Doppler Dezimalkomma Radiopeilung Nummernschalter Gewissenhaftigkeit Bindenfregattvogel Uebertragbarkeit Palisadenabsperrung Souvenirladen Stossfestigkeit Deutschlehrer Abschreibungsmode Geschiebetransport Anbaubeschraenkung Modellkleid Brigade Fahrschein Muehsal Kostenbewusstsein Isolierkoerper Baufeuchte Pressung Wagenschuppen Spachteln Erratum Durchschreibpapier Computerfreak Jahresringdatierung Herausforderer Bauchlage Anpassungsverstaerker Analphabet Behelfsunterkunft Sprachgebrauch Kassenabschluss Strafporto Konkurs Kohlestift Septum geschichten Doppelstrom-Strahltriebwerk Gesetzen Stumpfheit Speichendicke Befragen Lastschriftverfahren Stimmenfang Bewaesserungssystem Kaffeeklatsch Metallisierung Bohrloch Kippspiegel Nacktkehlreiher Wurmfortsatz Tollkuehnheit Frachter Kufenflugzeug Noergelei Beugehaft Wahrheitsbeweis Agrargesetzgebung Angstschweiss Auslass Stockung Klapsdoktor Aldi feuermelder Totenreich Pylon Unwegsamkeit Kuendigungsschreiben Unbiegsamkeit Bandsaegemaschine Fehlermeldungsunterprogramm Aussetzer Welkheit Reflex Belaestigung Astronaut Digital-Eingabeeinheit Laufkundschaft Tunichtgut Abdimstorch Erdwall Lachgas Prozessen Abonnent Absender Irrenanstalt Kamelfuellen Genehmigungsverfahren Studentinnen Abtreibungsgegnerin Faelle Zirbeldruese Dahlanderschaltung Toetung Marktseite Bedarfspraemie Munitionskasten Sammlerwert Schadenfreude Bewohner Blitzableiter Notausloesung Transzendentalphilosophie Demokratisierung Schwefel Kollektivismus Hilfsaktion Lombardkredit Abklingzeit Schweisspunkt Geschwafel Reaktivfarbstoff Ausweichplan Nagetier Baumkante Kolonie bodenbeschaffenheit von hagebutte Schreckensherrschaft Sumpfvogel Weihnachtsliedersaenger Lunte Flurstueck Ich-AG Jagdtasche Handelsschule Netzknoten Startlinie Urlauber Anschlussplan Wildpastete Wellenfrontaberration Steindruck Kombiwagen Reisekostenabrechnung Skispringerin Grundstein Industrienation Bahnwaerter Wolkenhoehe Obsthaendler Schnellzugriff Deckensprung Sprungtest Immersionsverfahren Entkoerperlichung Illusion Ozeanograph Alkalboden Aldi Feuermelder Leitungsdraht Betriebsschaden Plausibilitaet Hemmschuh Fahrmotor Komposite Gasleitung Steuerschalter Nutmutter Staubfaenger Fettbauch Schubbruch Schimpfer Strassenfeger Kartenbrief Makrobiotik Suedostwind RIBE-Schraube Jura Informatikerin Rollstuhl Sanftheit Prozessfliessbild Kontoklassifikation Ritzeldeckel Geraeteturnen Webart Staffelung Modewarengeschaeft Weibervolk Muss Unterbelegung Dampflanze Aufschlussbohrung Rotwild Kleben Parteitag Nickerchen Karbon Kontonummer Biotechnologie Zehnte Relativwert Turnierpferd Gewindestift Aussenlaeufermotor Jugendschutz Abschiedsgruss Balladesaenger Traegerfrequenz Adressmarkierung Hirngespinst Bibliothekstechniker Druckschmierung Nichtraucherabteil Speichererweiterung Teilstrecke Oelstandsanzeiger Sechsling Stellgroesse Seilwinde Brandung Sonneneinstrahlung Ladebruecke Antifaschistin Rutschbahn Bahnbeamter Pluenderung Ionogramm Auswechselung Gynaekologe Holzbock Schafscherer Lieblingsstueck Pathologe Stratigraphie Knochengeruest Durchlaufzeit Sattlung beleuchtungsdichte uv Kipptraverse Streiterei Dock Minensuchgeraet Einspritzventil Bekanntmachung Lehensgut Verrichtung Dauerumlauf Geraeumigkeit Brieffreund Wiederverkaufpreis Hauptgrund Rundblick Blaureiher Fahrzeugpark Schraeglage Verwechslungsgefahr Anthropologe Kaltleiterfuehler Fohlen Buecherbrett Affenliebe Hallenkirche Landesbibliothek Pruefen Spezialanfertigung Brunei S cheidungsklage Komik Mikromechanik Taps Elektroschrauber Deckgewebe Querrippe Voraussicht Auszieher Soldat Nachwuchsspieler Bestaetiger Draehte Regelklappe Besucher Gottesdienst Sonnenaufgang Fusspflege
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Home - Stay home, stay safe.. New Arrival 37% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Pack of 4, AA Ni-Cd 1000 mAh Capacity Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: International Standard universally compatible 4 pcs of rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries. Batteries needs to be charged before first use Capacity: Best in Industry 1000mAh capacity batteries with no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity Discharge: Batteries are equipped with low self discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use Compatibility: Envie AA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Flashlights, Torches and various other devices. Batteries also support Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger Environment friendly:Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highy protected environment friendly energy solution ₹395.00 ₹250.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Plus Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 1100 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 1100mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹395.00 ₹230.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 800 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 800mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹345.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 35% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DTWS-005 AIRTUNE in-Ear TWS with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, in-Built Mic, and LED Indicators 0 out of 5 (0) BE UNSTOPPABLE: Power-Packed with cutting-edge latest Bluetooth V5.1 technology and sleek, minimalistic design, these earbuds allow you to enjoy your favorite music/receive call while swimming, gymming, exercising, and what not! Get true freedom from wires with optimized shape for a better fit, perfected in connectivity, and enhanced hands-free microphone. TRUE WIRELESS STRUCTURE: Truly wireless Bluetooth earbuds supports auto-pairing to make your calling experience more convenient. That makes them perfect for work and play. INTELLIGENCE INBUILT: True wireless earphones with mic and cool multi-function button operation help you to Play / Pause Music, Change the song, Answer / Reject Calls. ERGONOMIC & SECURE FIT: These earbuds are both convenient and chic, as their ergonomic design fits the ear canal so perfectly and is not easy to fall off while running, exercising, or any other heavy physical activity. LONG LASTING ENJOYMENT: Always be ready for action while doing sports in the gym or while working from home with CALL TIME/PLAYTIME of up to 3 to 4 hours & 10m wide range of Bluetooth. So, stay connected stay confident. DIGITEK AIR-TUNE In-Ear True Wireless Earphone (TWS) with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, In-Built Mic, and LED Indicators (DTWS-005) ₹1,995.00 ₹1,295.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 51% Off Add to wishlist Quick View Digitek DE-044 in-Ear Wired Stereo Earphone, Built-in Microphone, Tangle Resistant Cable (White) 0 out of 5 (0) Headset Design In the Ear, Superior Sound, with Bass you can Feel and gives you the most comfortable listening experience even for longer listening periods. ₹395.00 ₹195.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 60% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM M18 1000 DPI Wired USB Optical Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) 1000 DPI tracking engine, accurate tracking. (2) Anti-slip grille roller, smooth sliding. (3) Use immediately after plugging in, save trouble. (4) Ergonomic design for a stronger grip. ₹499.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Blue 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 47% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK® DBS-210 Super BASS Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker with HD Sound, 8W Output, TWS, in Built Mic | Up to 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) 0 out of 5 (0) DIGITEK Super BASS Portable Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker | with HD Sound 8W Output | TWS |in Built Mic | Upto 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) Functions : Short press to Volume up, Long Press to change to Next Song. Power switch, Long Press : Turn ON / OFF; Short Press: Play / Pause; Double click to change Mode. BT Mode, click twice to call the latest incoming outgoing call. When calling, press one time to answer, press again to reject. Short press to Volume Down, Long press to change into Last Song. Micro USB charging port. USB card port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 files. TF Card Port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 in High Fidelity Music files. LED indication: Blue Light Flashes lowly when Playing Music, flashes quickly when Bluetooth and Radio search working, the Red Light is Turn ON when charging, and the Green Light is ON when it is fully charged . Built-in MIC entrance. TWS instructions: When both speakers are in the Bluetooth search state, click one of the Power start to Pair. After the connection is successful, the Blue Light of the secondary unit is always ON & the host continues to search until the connection is completed. FM Instruction : Insert the MICRO USB Charging cable to use as the FM external antenna. click one time the power button to enter the FM function, then press the Play Button to start searching. The search process Blue Light flashes quickly and the channel is automatically saved after the search is completed. Press and hold the Volume Plus or Minus Button to switch the Audio channel. ₹1,995.00 ₹1,049.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 65% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-026C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger Dual USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹795.00 ₹275.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 68% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-025C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹695.00 ₹225.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 45% Off Add to wishlist Quick View MERCUSYS AC10 AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Router with 4 High Gain Antennas 0 out of 5 (0) High-Speed Wi-Fi – Stream with fast and stable connections, reaching speeds up to 1167 Mbps (300 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band and 867 Mbps on the 5 GHz band) 4 High-Gain External Antennas – Receive strong Wi-Fi signals in every corner of your home Easy Installation – Set up in minutes guided by an intuitive web UI Active Parental Controls – Protect your family by setting appropriate access policies for responsible, safe internet use Multi-Mode — Access Point Mode, Range Extender Mode, and Router Mode supported to satisfy all application scenarios IPTV and IPv6 Supported ₹2,899.00 ₹1,599.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View [category_products_tab category_products_tab_style="title_with_sub_categories" rp_desktop="5"New Arrival 37% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Pack of 4, AA Ni-Cd 1000 mAh Capacity Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: International Standard universally compatible 4 pcs of rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries. Batteries needs to be charged before first use Capacity: Best in Industry 1000mAh capacity batteries with no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity Discharge: Batteries are equipped with low self discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use Compatibility: Envie AA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Flashlights, Torches and various other devices. Batteries also support Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger Environment friendly:Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highy protected environment friendly energy solution ₹395.00 ₹250.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Plus Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 1100 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 1100mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹395.00 ₹230.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 800 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 800mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹345.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 35% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DTWS-005 AIRTUNE in-Ear TWS with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, in-Built Mic, and LED Indicators 0 out of 5 (0) BE UNSTOPPABLE: Power-Packed with cutting-edge latest Bluetooth V5.1 technology and sleek, minimalistic design, these earbuds allow you to enjoy your favorite music/receive call while swimming, gymming, exercising, and what not! Get true freedom from wires with optimized shape for a better fit, perfected in connectivity, and enhanced hands-free microphone. TRUE WIRELESS STRUCTURE: Truly wireless Bluetooth earbuds supports auto-pairing to make your calling experience more convenient. That makes them perfect for work and play. INTELLIGENCE INBUILT: True wireless earphones with mic and cool multi-function button operation help you to Play / Pause Music, Change the song, Answer / Reject Calls. ERGONOMIC & SECURE FIT: These earbuds are both convenient and chic, as their ergonomic design fits the ear canal so perfectly and is not easy to fall off while running, exercising, or any other heavy physical activity. LONG LASTING ENJOYMENT: Always be ready for action while doing sports in the gym or while working from home with CALL TIME/PLAYTIME of up to 3 to 4 hours & 10m wide range of Bluetooth. So, stay connected stay confident. DIGITEK AIR-TUNE In-Ear True Wireless Earphone (TWS) with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, In-Built Mic, and LED Indicators (DTWS-005) ₹1,995.00 ₹1,295.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 51% Off Add to wishlist Quick View Digitek DE-044 in-Ear Wired Stereo Earphone, Built-in Microphone, Tangle Resistant Cable (White) 0 out of 5 (0) Headset Design In the Ear, Superior Sound, with Bass you can Feel and gives you the most comfortable listening experience even for longer listening periods. ₹395.00 ₹195.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 60% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM M18 1000 DPI Wired USB Optical Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) 1000 DPI tracking engine, accurate tracking. (2) Anti-slip grille roller, smooth sliding. (3) Use immediately after plugging in, save trouble. (4) Ergonomic design for a stronger grip. ₹499.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Blue 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 47% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK® DBS-210 Super BASS Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker with HD Sound, 8W Output, TWS, in Built Mic | Up to 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) 0 out of 5 (0) DIGITEK Super BASS Portable Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker | with HD Sound 8W Output | TWS |in Built Mic | Upto 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) Functions : Short press to Volume up, Long Press to change to Next Song. Power switch, Long Press : Turn ON / OFF; Short Press: Play / Pause; Double click to change Mode. BT Mode, click twice to call the latest incoming outgoing call. When calling, press one time to answer, press again to reject. Short press to Volume Down, Long press to change into Last Song. Micro USB charging port. USB card port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 files. TF Card Port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 in High Fidelity Music files. LED indication: Blue Light Flashes lowly when Playing Music, flashes quickly when Bluetooth and Radio search working, the Red Light is Turn ON when charging, and the Green Light is ON when it is fully charged . Built-in MIC entrance. TWS instructions: When both speakers are in the Bluetooth search state, click one of the Power start to Pair. After the connection is successful, the Blue Light of the secondary unit is always ON & the host continues to search until the connection is completed. FM Instruction : Insert the MICRO USB Charging cable to use as the FM external antenna. click one time the power button to enter the FM function, then press the Play Button to start searching. The search process Blue Light flashes quickly and the channel is automatically saved after the search is completed. Press and hold the Volume Plus or Minus Button to switch the Audio channel. ₹1,995.00 ₹1,049.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 65% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-026C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger Dual USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹795.00 ₹275.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 68% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-025C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹695.00 ₹225.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 45% Off Add to wishlist Quick View MERCUSYS AC10 AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Router with 4 High Gain Antennas 0 out of 5 (0) High-Speed Wi-Fi – Stream with fast and stable connections, reaching speeds up to 1167 Mbps (300 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band and 867 Mbps on the 5 GHz band) 4 High-Gain External Antennas – Receive strong Wi-Fi signals in every corner of your home Easy Installation – Set up in minutes guided by an intuitive web UI Active Parental Controls – Protect your family by setting appropriate access policies for responsible, safe internet use Multi-Mode — Access Point Mode, Range Extender Mode, and Router Mode supported to satisfy all application scenarios IPTV and IPv6 Supported ₹2,899.00 ₹1,599.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View [category_products_tab category_products_tab_style="title_with_sub_categories" rp_desktop="5"
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Smart Lamp,Smart Home,UV Lamp,Smart Appliances Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Lamp in China, if you want to buy Smart Home, UV Lamp, Smart Appliances, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
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DataPrint - Sahabat Printer Anda View All Products Kertas Foto Kertas Foto Kertas Foto Kertas Foto Kertas Foto Toner Cartridge Toner Cartridge Toner Cartridge View All Products Gratis…Penggunaan komputer di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Hal ini tentunya sejalan dengan pemakaian printer. Dari sini kemudian timbul sebuah peluang untuk menyediakan kebutuhan yang berkaitan dengan komputer. Berdiri sejak tahun 1992, DataPrint telah memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna printer dalam penyediaan tinta suntik atau tinta refill untuk printer merk Canon, Hewlett-Packard dan Epson. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi printer, DataPrint pun saat ini menyediakan compatible cartridge toner.
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China Smart Ball Pump,Smart Bike Pump,Electric Air Pump,Car Pump, Electric Air Duster, Portable Air Duster Manufacturer and Supplier Shenzhen Newo Technology Co,.Ltd have been specialized in Smart Ball Pump manufacture for many years.Our main products are various kinds of Smart Bike Pump,Electric Air Pump.Also including Car Pump,Electric Air Duster, Portable Air Duster etc.
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Effe LED Lights Effe - The Brand of Efftronics, Providing Various Customised LED Lighting Solutions, Smart Home & Smart Building Solutions With 5yrs Unconditional Warranty.
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Smart Film,Smart Glass,Transparent Led Display,Pdlc Switchable Film Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Film in China, if you want to buy Smart Glass, Transparent Led Display, Pdlc Switchable Film, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
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Smart Toilet,Smart Toilet Seat,Concealed Cistern,Toilet Flush Panel Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Toilets in China, if you want to buy Smart Toilet Seats, Concealed Cisterns, Toilet Flush Panels, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
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Smart Toilet,Smart Toilet Seat,Concealed Cistern,Toilet Flush Panel Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Toilets in China, if you want to buy Smart Toilet Seats, Concealed Cisterns, Toilet Flush Panels, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
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Smart Toilet,Smart Toilet Seat,Concealed Cistern,Toilet Flush Panel Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Toilets in China, if you want to buy Smart Toilet Seats, Concealed Cisterns, Toilet Flush Panels, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
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Smart Toilet,Smart Toilet Seat,Concealed Cistern,Toilet Flush Panel Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Toilets in China, if you want to buy Smart Toilet Seats, Concealed Cisterns, Toilet Flush Panels, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
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Smart Toilet,Smart Toilet Seat,Concealed Cistern,Toilet Flush Panel Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Toilets in China, if you want to buy Smart Toilet Seats, Concealed Cisterns, Toilet Flush Panels, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
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China Passive Smart Lock,Iot Lock,Smart Manhole Cover,Iot Lock Management System Manufacturer and Supplier Kerai (Foshan) Technology Co., Ltd. have been specialized in Passive Smart Lock manufacture for many years. Our main products are various kinds of Iot Lock, Smart Manhole Cover. Also including Iot Lock Management System, etc.
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China Passive Smart Lock,Iot Lock,Smart Manhole Cover,Iot Lock Management System Manufacturer and Supplier Kerai (Foshan) Technology Co., Ltd. have been specialized in Passive Smart Lock manufacture for many years. Our main products are various kinds of Iot Lock, Smart Manhole Cover. Also including Iot Lock Management System, etc.
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Home | Foto Edizioni s.r.l. Foto Edizioni, casa editrice leader dell'intrattenimento intelligente: giochi originali e contenuti interessanti per lettori di ogni età e istruzione.Foto Edizioni, casa editrice leader dell'intrattenimento intelligente: giochi originali e contenuti interessanti per lettori di ogni età e istruzione.
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Ottica Paoletti Foto | Pieve di Soligo Ottica Paoletti Centro Optometrico si trova in Via Gaetano Schiratti 2 a Pieve di Soligo, provincia di Treviso. Si effettuano visite optometrico posturali, rieducazione visiva, vendita di occhiali da vista e da sole, applicazione e vendita lenti a contatto, stampa foto digitali e foto idee.
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Aladino Foto Aladino Foto, servizi matrimoniali e riprese video, stampa digitale in 30 minuti, servizi fotografici per eventi, laboratorio fotografico
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PredazzoBlog - Notizie da Predazzo e dal mondo Predazzo Blog - Notizie, eventi, foto e video Predazzo Blog - Notizie, eventi, foto e video raccolti da uno staff di oltre 45 volontariPredazzo Blog - Notizie, eventi, foto e video raccolti da uno staff di oltre 45 volontari
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Blende Fotowettbewerb - Das Foto und Imaging Portal Das Foto und Imaging Portal. Aktuelles aus photokina, Amateurfotomarkt, Blende, Fotografie, News, Produkte, Events, und mehr.
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Cover personalizzate cover personalizzata iphone cover con foto Crea la tua cover personalizzata iphone cover con foto e cover personalizzate
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Hive Home US | Start Your Connected Home Make time for life’s best moments with Hive’s family of smart products, working together to turn your home into a smart home.Make time for life’s best moments with Hive’s family of smart products, working together to turn your home into a smart home.
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Hive Home US | Start Your Connected Home Make time for life’s best moments with Hive’s family of smart products, working together to turn your home into a smart home.Make time for life’s best moments with Hive’s family of smart products, working together to turn your home into a smart home.
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Home | National Smart Grid Mission, Ministry of Power, Government of India National Smart Grid Mission, Ministry of Power, Government of India. Smart Grid has several positive features that give direct benefit to consumers. Real time monitoring, automated outage management and faster restoration facilitated by Smart Grids enables consumers to enjoy improved reliability and better quality of power.
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Smart Marketing | Mensile di Comunicazione, Marketing e Social Media SMART MARKETING - Mensile di Comunicazione, Marketing e Social Media - Novità, notizie e approfondimenti dal mondo del marketing e della comunicazione . È un mensile che parla agli operatori del settore, ma che ha l'intento di voler comunicare anche con i "non addetti ai lavori".Smart Marketing - Mensile di Comunicazione, Marketing e Social Media
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Designer Home Automation India | Smart Home - L'etoile Introducing world's first designer home automation switch. Make your smart home intelligent with infinite design choices with our smart home products.Introducing world's first designer home automation switch. Make your smart home intelligent with infinite design choices with our smart home products.
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Smart Charger for E-bike and E-motorcycle, BMS, Smart Controller Manufacturer in China We are smart charger manufacturer of 2W&3W vehicle in china, if you want to buy Smart Charger ,BMS and controller please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
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China Smart Hotel,Hotel lock ,Hotel switch Manufacturer and Supplie We are manufacturer of Smart Hotel in China, if you want to buy Hotel lock,Hotel switch,Smart Hotel, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you
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Somfy: motori, automazioni, controlli e soluzioni smart home Motori e comandi per tapparelle, persiane, tende da sole, tende a binario, cancelli e porte di garage; soluzioni smart home per allarme, telecamera, riscaldamento e illuminazione.Motori e comandi per tapparelle, persiane, tende da sole, tende a binario, cancelli e porte di garage; soluzioni smart home per allarme, telecamera, riscaldamento e illuminazione.Motori e comandi per tapparelle, persiane, tende da sole, tende a binario, cancelli e porte di garage; soluzioni smart home per allarme, telecamera, riscaldamento e illuminazione.
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EdTech, SMART Boards & Lumio Classroom Learning Software // SMART Technologies SMART Technologies Is The Leader In Educational Technology Solutions * Inventor Of The SMART Board Interactive Display * Collaboration & Classroom Software
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Kalkitech - Accelerating Digital Transformation For Utilities & Industries Digital transformation solutions for utilities and industries enable best in class digitization system in Smart Grid, DER, Smart Cities, & IndustriesDigital transformation solutions for utilities and industries enable best in class digitization system in Smart Grid, DER, Smart Cities, & Industries
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International magazine on smart digital and screen technologies Magazine on smart digital technology, secure and trusted systems, digital screens, new mass media systems in indoor and outdoor advertising in modern “smart cities”.
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Smart Home Automation and Home Theatre Systems near Rockford, Illinois | Primetime Audio Video Upgrade your home with the latest TV's, home audio, and smart home automation.
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Dowells Lugs and Dowells Smart Crimping System Distributor / Channel Partner | Electro Sales Corporation, Vadodara Electro Sales Corporation - Dowells Lugs, Dowells Smart Crimping System & Flameproof LED Light Fixtures Distributor / Channel Partner from Vadodara, Gujarat, IndiaElectro Sales Corporation - Dowells Lugs, Dowells Smart Crimping System & Flameproof LED Light Fixtures Distributor / Channel Partner from Vadodara, Gujarat, India
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Home - GridPocket GridPocket takes part in the smart grid revolution and specialises in the development of innovative value added energy services for utility companies. Our "white label" value creation platform is designed to create a real customer engagement, optimize operational costs and integrate those new uses and technologies.GridPocket takes part in the smart grid revolution and specialises in the development of innovative value added energy services for utility companies. Our "white label" value creation platform is designed to create a real customer engagement, optimize operational costs and integrate those new uses and technologies.
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Somfy | Motors, Automatisms, Controls & Smart Home Solutions Motors, and controls for roller shutters, blinds, awnings, curtains, gate and garage doors ; and smart home solutions for alarm, camera, heating and lighting.Motors, and controls for roller shutters, blinds, awnings, curtains, gate and garage doors ; and smart home solutions for alarm, camera, heating and lighting.Motors, and controls for roller shutters, blinds, awnings, curtains, gate and garage doors ; and smart home solutions for alarm, camera, heating and lighting.
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Smart Glass For Residential and Commercial Applications Smart glass is an exciting new product to build a smart home or workspace. Check our guide for choosing the best smart glass product for your upcoming project.
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Smart home systems • iNELS SMART HOME INELS SMART HOME => Smart home solutions. We have over 23 years of experience in developing and producing electronic devices for home. Contact us!
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JOMEtech Interactive Board Displays Solutions For Education&Business|smart interactive whiteboard, interactive flat panel,Digital signage advertising display Solutions Professional OEM/ODM manufacturer with more than 10 years experience, the source factory with wholesale direct competitive price, committed to the development and research of interactive smart board LCD touch screen technologies.
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Photo development, digital photo printing and photo album smartphoto provides digital online photo printing and online photo album. Transfer your photos for online photo processing and create for free your own photo album
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Welcome to Foto Source Canada Foto Source Canada specializes in professional photographic equipment and services.
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like 154
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JBCreative - Diseño, Página Web SEO, Fotografía - Empresa ética Madrid Marketing digital, páginas Web SEO, foto profesional producto, apps móviles, visitas virtuales, foto 360, video corporativo, operador drones.
like 175
I video dei programmi e delle serie TV, le news e la musica di MTV! | MTV Italia Entra nel mondo della musica e dei programmi e delle serie TV di MTV! Non perderti le classifiche musicali, i video e i testi delle tue canzoni preferite. E ancora news, foto, gossip, eventi e concerti targati MTV.Entra nel mondo della musica e dei programmi e delle serie TV di MTV! Non perderti le classifiche musicali, i video e i testi delle tue canzoni preferite. E ancora news, foto, gossip, eventi e concerti targati MTV.
like 163
COGNOSCO - Stadtfotografien, Wandbilder, Leuchtkästen & Geschenkideen Die Stadt- und Architekturfotografien kommen von der Fotografin Amelie von Oppen. Die Bildmotive gibt es gerahmt als Wandbild, als Druck auf Aludibond bzw. Plexiglas oder als Leuchtkasten. Darüber hinaus haben wir Designaccessoires wie Postkartenboxen, Magnete, Foto-Holzblöcke und Memo-Spiele im Programm.Die Stadt- und Architekturfotografien kommen von der Fotografin Amelie von Oppen. Die Bildmotive gibt es gerahmt als Wandbild, als Druck auf Aludibond bzw. Plexiglas oder als Leuchtkasten. Darüber hinaus haben wir Designaccessoires wie Postkartenboxen, Magnete, Foto-Holzblöcke und Memo-Spiele im Programm.
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Ciao Napoli - Napoli, la sua storia e le sue tradizioni - Neaples, history and traditions.
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HomePage MarianoFas - Mariano Fasciani Photography Foto Amatore, come lui stesso ama definirsi. Sempre alla ricerca della Fotografia Artistica. Passione che trova le sue origini già nei primi anni '70.Foto Amatore, come lui stesso ama definirsi. Sempre alla ricerca della Fotografia Artistica. Passione che trova le sue origini già nei primi anni '70.
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Livornopress - Notizie Livorno LivornoPress, Quotidiano online. Tutte le notizie di Livorno e provincia, Foto, video. Cronaca, politica, economia, porto, eventi, spettacolo, cultura e sport.LivornoPress, Quotidiano online. Tutte le notizie di Livorno e provincia, Foto, video. Cronaca, politica, economia, porto, eventi, spettacolo, cultura e sport.
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Foto e riprese aeree con droni Alto Adige - Alpsvision Riprese aeree per il cinema, TV, sport e pubblicità. Film e servizi fotografici, nonché ulteriori servizi con droni. Piloti esperti specializzati nel settore alpino.
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Fine Art Foto | Fine Art Foto Photography has been one of my interests for 30 years. Started in the good old analog and chemical days and being happy that these ended. Creativity has been gi
like 1096
Biometrics Lock,Smart Home Lock,Electronics Lock,Security Lock Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Biometrics Lock in China, if you want to buy Smart Home Lock, Electronics Lock, Security Lock , please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 1208
LED Billboard,LED Video Wall,LED Shelf Display,Smart Shelf Display Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of LED Billboard in China, if you want to buy LED Video Wall, LED Shelf Display, Smart Shelf Display, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 1232
China Lock Cylinder,Key Box,Safe Padlock,Smart Door Lock Manufacturer and Supplier Andja Trading Pet. Ltd. have been specialized in Lock Cylinder manufacture for many years.Our main products are various kinds of Key Box,Safe Padlock. Also including Smart Door Lock,etc.
like 698
China Bluetooth Products,Portable Chargers,Portable Power Stations, Smart Wearable Devices Manufacturer and Supplier Topnotch International Group Limited have been specialized in Bluetooth Products manufacture for many years. Our main products are various kinds of Portable Chargers, Portable Power Stations. Also including Smart Wearable Devices, etc.
like 523
Remote Control,Smart Switch,Led Bulbs,Plug And Socket Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Remote Control in China, if you want to buy Smart Switch, Led Bulbs, Plug And Socket, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 911
Industrial Switch,Industrial Ethernet Switch,Iot Smart Box,Industrial Poe Switch Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Industrial Switch in China, if you want to buy Industrial Ethernet Switch, Iot Smart Box, Industrial Poe Switch, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 414
Smart Toilet,Bidet Cover,Toilet Seat,Tank Fittings Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Toilet in China, if you want to buy Bidet Cover, Toilet Seat, Tank Fittings, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 1103
Smart Watch,Sports Watch,Quartz Watch,Digital Watch Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Watch in China, if you want to buy Sports Watch, Quartz Watch, Digital Watch, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 1159
China Home Storage Cabinet,Smart Home,Office Storage Organizer,Garden Products Manufacturer and Supplier Ningbo Royalwind Import&Export Co.,Ltd have been specialized in Home Storage Cabinet manufacture for many years. Our main products are various kinds of Smart Home, Office Storage Organizer. Also including Garden Products, etc.
like 985
China Medical Equipments,Smart Watch,Pulse Oximeter,Bp Monitor Manufacturer and Supplier Medical Equipments,Smart Watch,Pulse Oximeter,Bp Monitor
like 420
China Wall Switches,Wall Sockets,Wiring Accessories,Smart Switch Manufacturer and Supplier Guangdong Jinli Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd have been specialized in Wall Switches manufacture for many years. Our main products are various kinds of Wall Sockets, Wiring Accessories. Also including Smart Switch, etc.
like 636
China Electric Oven,Steam Oven,Air Fryer Oven,Ai Smart Oven Manufacturer and Supplier Guang Dong Gonron Industrial Co., Ltd have been specialized in Electric Oven manufacture for many years. Our main products are various kinds of Steam Oven, Air Fryer Oven. Also including Ai Smart Oven, etc.
like 1103
China Heating Tobacco,Heating Aroma Sticks,Smart Electric Heater,Heating Herbs Manufacturer and Supplier Qian Hai Guo Jian Hua Cigarette Technology (Shen Zhen) Co.Ltd have been specialized in Heating Tobacco manufacture for many years. Our main products are various kinds of Heating Aroma Sticks, Smart Electric Heater. Also including Heating Herbs, etc.
like 866
Smart Toilet,Bidet Cover,Toilet Seat,Tank Fittings Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Toilet in China, if you want to buy Bidet Cover, Toilet Seat, Tank Fittings, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 1136
Smart Toilet,Bidet Cover,Toilet Seat,Tank Fittings Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Toilet in China, if you want to buy Bidet Cover, Toilet Seat, Tank Fittings, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 460
Smart Toilet,Bidet Cover,Toilet Seat,Tank Fittings Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Smart Toilet in China, if you want to buy Bidet Cover, Toilet Seat, Tank Fittings, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 948
China Bluetooth Products,Portable Chargers,Portable Power Stations, Smart Wearable Devices Manufacturer and Supplier Topnotch International Group Limited have been specialized in Bluetooth Products manufacture for many years. Our main products are various kinds of Portable Chargers, Portable Power Stations. Also including Smart Wearable Devices, etc.
like 979
Remote Control,Smart Switch,Led Bulbs,Plug And Socket Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Remote Control in China, if you want to buy Smart Switch, Led Bulbs, Plug And Socket, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
like 214
Trader Consultors - Smart Market Development Trader Consultors - Smart Market Development
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Hong Kong McPO Company-Hong Kong McPO Company|Electronic lock|Smart phone lock|Digital door lock|Hotel home office lock system Hong Kong McPO Company|Patented Electronic lock for glass door|Hotel Lock system|Digital door lock|Fingerprint lock|Keypad Lock|McPO Door lock|security system|Hostel lcok|Access control|Office home use|Smart mobile lock|Patented lock
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PHC Toys | Custom Smart Home and Home Theater PHC Toys – Custom Smart Home and Home Theater
like 178
Flux Smart Lighting - Next Generation Smart Lighting for Your Home Flux Smart light bulbs are smartphone controlled multicolored LED lights. Personalize your lighting and transform your home.
like 209
Wi-Fi enabled LED smart lights - LIFX Wi-Fi enabled LED smart lighting. Connect your lights with IFTTT, Amazon Alexa, Samsung SmartThings, Apple HomeKit, Flic, Nest, Google Assistant and more. Control your lights via iPhone and Android devices.LIFX Wi-Fi enabled LED smart lighting. Connect your lights with IFTTT, Amazon Alexa, Samsung SmartThings, Apple HomeKit, Flic, Nest, Google Assistant and more. Control your lights via iPhone and Android devices.
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Vivint Smart Home Security & Alarm Systems | 855.832.1550 Secure, Automate & Control Your Home with a Vivint Smart Home Security & Alarm System - Call 855.832.1550 for More Information about our Award Winning Home Security, Alarm Monitoring & Smart Home Services.
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Smart Home C how our family of smart products can work together in one app to bring value to your life.C how our family of smart products can work together in one app to bring value to your life.
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SMART STAY Hotels | Offizielle Website, bester Preis hier SMART STAY Hotels & Hostels | 3 x in München & 1 x in Berlin ✅ Beste Lage, bester Preis ✅ Buchen Sie direkt online auf der offiziellen Hotelwebsite ➤SMART STAY Hotels & Hostels | 3 x in München & 1 x in Berlin ✅ Beste Lage, bester Preis ✅ Buchen Sie direkt online auf der offiziellen Hotelwebsite ➤
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smart-club Deutschland e.V. smart-club Deutschland e.V. Der Treffpunkt fuer smart-Freunde in Deutschland.
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