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Welcome to Mango ¹q°T¼Æ½X,Mango is a brand name, owned by Telecom Digital Holdings Ltd., for the company's Mobitex network, Mobitex-enabled devices and Mobitex services in Hong Kong. Mango, MangoDeluxe, MangoCombo, MangoSports, MangoStock, MangoMail, Workforce, Transport, Logistics, Utility, Telemetry, M2M, Transportation, Safety, Security,Mobile Data, ²¾°Ê¼Æ¾Ú,Mobile Data Network, ²¾°Ê¼Æ¾Úºôµ¸,Wireless Data Network, µL½u¼Æ¾Úºôµ¸,Wireless access, µL½u±µ¤J,Mobile Data Solution, ²¾°Ê¼Æ¾Ú¤è®×,Mobile Data Service, ²¾°Ê¼Æ¾ÚªA°È,Professional Mobile Solution, ±M·~²¾°Ê¤è®×,Mobile Data Device, ²¾°Ê¼Æ¾Ú³]³Æ,Job Dispatching, ¤u§@½Õ°t,Mobile Job Dispatching, ²¾°Ê¤u§@½Õ°t,Computer aided dispatch, ¹q¸£»²§U½Õ°t,Instant mobile messaging, §Y®É²¾°Ê¶Ç°T,Mobile Workforce, ²¾°Ê¤u§@¶¤¥î,Mobile Workforce Management, ²¾°Ê¤u§@¶¤¥îºÞ²z,Workforce Management,¤u§@¶¤¥îºÞ²z,Mobile Field Force, ²¾°Ê¥~¶Ô¤H­û,Mobile Field Force, Management, ²¾°Ê¥~¶Ô¤H­ûºÞ²z,Mobile Data Application, ²¾°Ê¼Æ¾ÚÀ³¥Î,Mobile solutions for Logistics, ª«¬y·~ªº²¾°Ê¤è®×,Mobile solutions for Couriers, ³t»¼·~ªº²¾°Ê¤è®×,Mobile Service, ²¾°ÊªA°È,Proof of delivery, °t°e½T»{,Fleet management, ¨®¶¤ºÞ²z,Mobile Email,Mobile mail,