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like 165 | Maker of exceptional flours and baking aids for both the professional and home baker Giusto's is the leading processor and wholesaler of organically grown grains in the western United States. The Giusto's name has become synonymous with quality among chefs and bakers. Giusto's Vita-Grain is the "Best You Can Bake With," providing performance, flavor and choice. For three generations, the Giusto's family has been committed to providing the freshest, highest quality natural and organic products available. We are proud to offer our exceptional flours, as well as an entire selection of ingredients for the home baker! Freshly Milled Flours * Cracked Grains * Custom Blends & Mixes * Non-GMO * Gluten-Free Blends * Co-Pack & Private Label
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Hummingbird Wholesale - Organic Food on a Mission Organic Bee Products, Confections, Chocolates, Dried Fruits, Flours, Grains, Granola, Legumes, Nuts, Oregon Organic Hazelnuts, Nut Butters, Oils, Pasta, Seeds, Seed Butters, Spices, Teas, Trail Mixes, and Sweeteners.
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Carroll County Historical Society The Carroll County Historical Society was formed August 20, 1963 with the prime objective of preserving the historic McCook House, a state memorial owned by the Ohio Historical Society. We have enjoyed good relations with the OHS and currently we manage the McCook House under a lease arrangement. Our Mission is to collect artifacts, preserve local history and provide opportunities for connecting the past with our future. The Algonquin Mill at Petersburg was obtained by the Society in 1969 and was restored by volunteer labor. This steam powered flouring mill produces stone ground flours and corn meal for sale to the public every Thursday from 9am - 3pm. In order to raise money for restoration and operation, a Fall Festival was started in 1971 and has grown to a three-day event drawing thousands of people. The profits from the Fall Festival have been reinvested in Carroll County, in part by purchasing the adjoining farm. Today, the Algonquin Mill Complex is comprised of the Mill, school house, railroad station, farm house, several barns and storage buildings, farm museum, several reconstructed log houses and an award winning arboretum. Both the Mill and McCook House are listed in the National Register of Historic Sites.