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Online Patent Services USA | Patent Register & Consultant Company Patent Services USA helps inventors to get registered their patents online. Patent company provides a patent consultant to patent your idea and market your invention. Patent services USA helps inventors to get registered their patents online. This patent company provides a patent consultant to patent your idea and market your invention.
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Heer Law | Intellectual Property Lawyers Toronto Canada Heer Law provides high value intellectual property, IP litigation, patent agent and trademark agent services that make a good business even better.
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Patent Analysis & Market Research services - Dolcera Dolcera is an international services firm specializing in intellectual property, market research and competitive strategy for North American, European and Asian clients.
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Patent Registration, Process, Patent Application India and Abroad Patent registration brings you complete process about patent pct application, online filing that introduce and give services by expert patent attorneys and agents in India and other countries in the world.
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Retro Patents - Beautiful Patent Prints Bring inspiration into your favorite room or setting with patent art that masterfully communicates who you are. We have designed beautiful patent prints and patent posters based on some of the keystone inventions of our generation from companies such as Apple, Google, Amazon, Sony, AirBnB and more.Bring inspiration into your favorite room or setting with patent art that masterfully communicates who you are. We have designed beautiful patent prints and patent posters based on some of the keystone inventions of our generation from companies such as Apple, Google, Amazon, Sony, AirBnB and more.
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UK & European Patent Attorneys and Trade Mark Attorneys in Birmingham / Coventry 0121 288 2688 / 02476 992662 West Midlands. IP‑ Ltd. International Patent Services for SMEs / inventors: patents, trademarks, designs, IP information IP‑ Ltd. UK & European Patent Attorneys and Trade Mark Attorneys in Birmingham / Coventry, West Midlands UK. Protect your Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, Designs, Copyright. Expert UK, European/international patent services and information for SMEs / inventors
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Meera Brass Products | +919924287957 | Brass Precision Turned Parts Manufacturers in USA, Brass Molding Inserts Manufacturers in USA, Brass Fasteners Manufacturers in USA, Brass Electrical Parts Manufacturers in USA, Brass Impeller Manufacturers In USA, B At Meera Brass Products we are manufacturing and exporting any kind of Brass Turning Parts in the brass industry since 1999. We manufacture Inserts, Brass Stop plugs, Brass Lock Nuts, Brass Reducers, Brass Enlarger, PPR Inserts, Brass Earthing Accessories, Lamp parts, Brass Compression fittings, Cable glands and accessories, Water Meter Parts, Energy Meter Parts, Battery Terminals, Copper Parts, Sheet Metal Components, Brass Pins, Switch Gear Parts, Brass Stand offs, Brass Sleeve, Screws, BrassAt Meera Brass Products we are manufacturing and exporting any kind of Brass Turning Parts in the brass industry since 1999. We manufacture Inserts, Brass Stop plugs, Brass Lock Nuts, Brass Reducers, Brass Enlarger, PPR Inserts, Brass Earthing Accessories, Lamp parts, Brass Compression fittings, Cable glands and accessories, Water Meter Parts, Energy Meter Parts, Battery Terminals, Copper Parts, Sheet Metal Components, Brass Pins, Switch Gear Parts, Brass Stand offs, Brass Sleeve, Screws, Brass
like 208
DPMA Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt - Startseite Das Deutsche Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) ist das Kompetenzzentrum des Bundes für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz in Deutschland. Organisatorisch ist das DPMA dem Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz nachgeordnet und mit Dienststellen in München, Jena und Berlin vertreten. Gesetzlicher Auftrag des Amtes ist es, gewerbliche Schutzrechte zu erteilen und zu verwalten sowie über bestehende gewerbliche Schutzrechte für Deutschland zu informieren. Als moderner Dienstleister bietet das Amt einen wirksamen Schutz für technische Erfindungen, Marken und Produktdesigns. Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, die Großindustrie, Forschungseinrichtungen und auch Einzelerfinder erhalten effiziente Instrumente, um ihr geistiges Eigentum gegen unerwünschte Nachahmung zu verteidigen. Als Arbeitgeber bietet das DPMA attraktive Möglichkeiten, Beruf und Familie harmonisch miteinander zu verbinden.Das Deutsche Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) ist das Kompetenzzentrum des Bundes für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz in Deutschland. Organisatorisch ist das DPMA dem Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz nachgeordnet und mit Dienststellen in München, Jena und Berlin vertreten. Gesetzlicher Auftrag des Amtes ist es, gewerbliche Schutzrechte zu erteilen und zu verwalten sowie über bestehende gewerbliche Schutzrechte für Deutschland zu informieren. Als moderner Dienstleister bietet das Amt einen wirksamen Schutz für technische Erfindungen, Marken und Produktdesigns. Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, die Großindustrie, Forschungseinrichtungen und auch Einzelerfinder erhalten effiziente Instrumente, um ihr geistiges Eigentum gegen unerwünschte Nachahmung zu verteidigen. Als Arbeitgeber bietet das DPMA attraktive Möglichkeiten, Beruf und Familie harmonisch miteinander zu verbinden.
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Nash Matthews - European Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys - Cambridge Nash Matthews are a Cambridge based European Patent and Trade Mark Attorney office. Established in Cambridge since 1972 we are dedicated to providing a first rate intellectual property service, encompassing patents, trade marks, designs and other related rights.
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Michael J. Colitz, Jr. - Patent Attorney Patent Attorney Michael Colitz - inventions, new ideas and more for inventors - located in the Tampa Bay area in Dunedin Florida
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MELIORATION (Branding+Design) - A full service web and graphic design agency A full-service design agency offering Web Design & Graphic Design services from last 8 years to its national & global clients.
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S.S RANA & CO. Intellectual property, Patent, Trademark & Corporate law firm in Delhi, India S.S. Rana & Co., established in 1989, is a top IP & Corporate Law Firm in Delhi, India. The Firm has been recognized as one of the Best Patent Trademark & IP Law firms in India.S.S. Rana & Co., established in 1989, is a top IP & Corporate Law Firm in Delhi, India. The Firm has been recognized as one of the Best Patent Trademark & IP Law firms in India.
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Home | SIMAJ | Patent & Trademark Attorneys Sımaj works with Turkish and European Patent and Trademark Attorneys to obtain and defend intellectual property rights.Sımaj works with Turkish and European Patent and Trademark Attorneys to obtain and defend intellectual property rights.
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Patent Procedure in India with steps, timeline and costs - Patent Procedure in India with steps, timeline and costs. step by step guideline from idea or invention to granted patent in India
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Home | STN International STN is a global information service that provides access to published scientific and technical research
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Home - Stay home, stay safe.. New Arrival 37% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Pack of 4, AA Ni-Cd 1000 mAh Capacity Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: International Standard universally compatible 4 pcs of rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries. Batteries needs to be charged before first use Capacity: Best in Industry 1000mAh capacity batteries with no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity Discharge: Batteries are equipped with low self discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use Compatibility: Envie AA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Flashlights, Torches and various other devices. Batteries also support Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger Environment friendly:Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highy protected environment friendly energy solution ₹395.00 ₹250.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Plus Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 1100 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 1100mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹395.00 ₹230.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 800 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 800mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹345.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 35% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DTWS-005 AIRTUNE in-Ear TWS with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, in-Built Mic, and LED Indicators 0 out of 5 (0) BE UNSTOPPABLE: Power-Packed with cutting-edge latest Bluetooth V5.1 technology and sleek, minimalistic design, these earbuds allow you to enjoy your favorite music/receive call while swimming, gymming, exercising, and what not! Get true freedom from wires with optimized shape for a better fit, perfected in connectivity, and enhanced hands-free microphone. TRUE WIRELESS STRUCTURE: Truly wireless Bluetooth earbuds supports auto-pairing to make your calling experience more convenient. That makes them perfect for work and play. INTELLIGENCE INBUILT: True wireless earphones with mic and cool multi-function button operation help you to Play / Pause Music, Change the song, Answer / Reject Calls. ERGONOMIC & SECURE FIT: These earbuds are both convenient and chic, as their ergonomic design fits the ear canal so perfectly and is not easy to fall off while running, exercising, or any other heavy physical activity. LONG LASTING ENJOYMENT: Always be ready for action while doing sports in the gym or while working from home with CALL TIME/PLAYTIME of up to 3 to 4 hours & 10m wide range of Bluetooth. So, stay connected stay confident. DIGITEK AIR-TUNE In-Ear True Wireless Earphone (TWS) with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, In-Built Mic, and LED Indicators (DTWS-005) ₹1,995.00 ₹1,295.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 51% Off Add to wishlist Quick View Digitek DE-044 in-Ear Wired Stereo Earphone, Built-in Microphone, Tangle Resistant Cable (White) 0 out of 5 (0) Headset Design In the Ear, Superior Sound, with Bass you can Feel and gives you the most comfortable listening experience even for longer listening periods. ₹395.00 ₹195.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 60% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM M18 1000 DPI Wired USB Optical Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) 1000 DPI tracking engine, accurate tracking. (2) Anti-slip grille roller, smooth sliding. (3) Use immediately after plugging in, save trouble. (4) Ergonomic design for a stronger grip. ₹499.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Blue 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 47% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK® DBS-210 Super BASS Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker with HD Sound, 8W Output, TWS, in Built Mic | Up to 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) 0 out of 5 (0) DIGITEK Super BASS Portable Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker | with HD Sound 8W Output | TWS |in Built Mic | Upto 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) Functions : Short press to Volume up, Long Press to change to Next Song. Power switch, Long Press : Turn ON / OFF; Short Press: Play / Pause; Double click to change Mode. BT Mode, click twice to call the latest incoming outgoing call. When calling, press one time to answer, press again to reject. Short press to Volume Down, Long press to change into Last Song. Micro USB charging port. USB card port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 files. TF Card Port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 in High Fidelity Music files. LED indication: Blue Light Flashes lowly when Playing Music, flashes quickly when Bluetooth and Radio search working, the Red Light is Turn ON when charging, and the Green Light is ON when it is fully charged . Built-in MIC entrance. TWS instructions: When both speakers are in the Bluetooth search state, click one of the Power start to Pair. After the connection is successful, the Blue Light of the secondary unit is always ON & the host continues to search until the connection is completed. FM Instruction : Insert the MICRO USB Charging cable to use as the FM external antenna. click one time the power button to enter the FM function, then press the Play Button to start searching. The search process Blue Light flashes quickly and the channel is automatically saved after the search is completed. Press and hold the Volume Plus or Minus Button to switch the Audio channel. ₹1,995.00 ₹1,049.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 65% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-026C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger Dual USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹795.00 ₹275.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 68% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-025C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹695.00 ₹225.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 45% Off Add to wishlist Quick View MERCUSYS AC10 AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Router with 4 High Gain Antennas 0 out of 5 (0) High-Speed Wi-Fi – Stream with fast and stable connections, reaching speeds up to 1167 Mbps (300 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band and 867 Mbps on the 5 GHz band) 4 High-Gain External Antennas – Receive strong Wi-Fi signals in every corner of your home Easy Installation – Set up in minutes guided by an intuitive web UI Active Parental Controls – Protect your family by setting appropriate access policies for responsible, safe internet use Multi-Mode — Access Point Mode, Range Extender Mode, and Router Mode supported to satisfy all application scenarios IPTV and IPv6 Supported ₹2,899.00 ₹1,599.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View [category_products_tab category_products_tab_style="title_with_sub_categories" rp_desktop="5"New Arrival 37% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Pack of 4, AA Ni-Cd 1000 mAh Capacity Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: International Standard universally compatible 4 pcs of rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries. Batteries needs to be charged before first use Capacity: Best in Industry 1000mAh capacity batteries with no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity Discharge: Batteries are equipped with low self discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use Compatibility: Envie AA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Flashlights, Torches and various other devices. Batteries also support Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger Environment friendly:Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highy protected environment friendly energy solution ₹395.00 ₹250.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Plus Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 1100 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 1100mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹395.00 ₹230.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 800 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 800mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹345.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 35% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DTWS-005 AIRTUNE in-Ear TWS with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, in-Built Mic, and LED Indicators 0 out of 5 (0) BE UNSTOPPABLE: Power-Packed with cutting-edge latest Bluetooth V5.1 technology and sleek, minimalistic design, these earbuds allow you to enjoy your favorite music/receive call while swimming, gymming, exercising, and what not! Get true freedom from wires with optimized shape for a better fit, perfected in connectivity, and enhanced hands-free microphone. TRUE WIRELESS STRUCTURE: Truly wireless Bluetooth earbuds supports auto-pairing to make your calling experience more convenient. That makes them perfect for work and play. INTELLIGENCE INBUILT: True wireless earphones with mic and cool multi-function button operation help you to Play / Pause Music, Change the song, Answer / Reject Calls. ERGONOMIC & SECURE FIT: These earbuds are both convenient and chic, as their ergonomic design fits the ear canal so perfectly and is not easy to fall off while running, exercising, or any other heavy physical activity. LONG LASTING ENJOYMENT: Always be ready for action while doing sports in the gym or while working from home with CALL TIME/PLAYTIME of up to 3 to 4 hours & 10m wide range of Bluetooth. So, stay connected stay confident. DIGITEK AIR-TUNE In-Ear True Wireless Earphone (TWS) with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, In-Built Mic, and LED Indicators (DTWS-005) ₹1,995.00 ₹1,295.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 51% Off Add to wishlist Quick View Digitek DE-044 in-Ear Wired Stereo Earphone, Built-in Microphone, Tangle Resistant Cable (White) 0 out of 5 (0) Headset Design In the Ear, Superior Sound, with Bass you can Feel and gives you the most comfortable listening experience even for longer listening periods. ₹395.00 ₹195.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 60% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM M18 1000 DPI Wired USB Optical Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) 1000 DPI tracking engine, accurate tracking. (2) Anti-slip grille roller, smooth sliding. (3) Use immediately after plugging in, save trouble. (4) Ergonomic design for a stronger grip. ₹499.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Blue 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 47% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK® DBS-210 Super BASS Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker with HD Sound, 8W Output, TWS, in Built Mic | Up to 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) 0 out of 5 (0) DIGITEK Super BASS Portable Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker | with HD Sound 8W Output | TWS |in Built Mic | Upto 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) Functions : Short press to Volume up, Long Press to change to Next Song. Power switch, Long Press : Turn ON / OFF; Short Press: Play / Pause; Double click to change Mode. BT Mode, click twice to call the latest incoming outgoing call. When calling, press one time to answer, press again to reject. Short press to Volume Down, Long press to change into Last Song. Micro USB charging port. USB card port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 files. TF Card Port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 in High Fidelity Music files. LED indication: Blue Light Flashes lowly when Playing Music, flashes quickly when Bluetooth and Radio search working, the Red Light is Turn ON when charging, and the Green Light is ON when it is fully charged . Built-in MIC entrance. TWS instructions: When both speakers are in the Bluetooth search state, click one of the Power start to Pair. After the connection is successful, the Blue Light of the secondary unit is always ON & the host continues to search until the connection is completed. FM Instruction : Insert the MICRO USB Charging cable to use as the FM external antenna. click one time the power button to enter the FM function, then press the Play Button to start searching. The search process Blue Light flashes quickly and the channel is automatically saved after the search is completed. Press and hold the Volume Plus or Minus Button to switch the Audio channel. ₹1,995.00 ₹1,049.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 65% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-026C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger Dual USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹795.00 ₹275.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 68% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-025C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹695.00 ₹225.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 45% Off Add to wishlist Quick View MERCUSYS AC10 AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Router with 4 High Gain Antennas 0 out of 5 (0) High-Speed Wi-Fi – Stream with fast and stable connections, reaching speeds up to 1167 Mbps (300 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band and 867 Mbps on the 5 GHz band) 4 High-Gain External Antennas – Receive strong Wi-Fi signals in every corner of your home Easy Installation – Set up in minutes guided by an intuitive web UI Active Parental Controls – Protect your family by setting appropriate access policies for responsible, safe internet use Multi-Mode — Access Point Mode, Range Extender Mode, and Router Mode supported to satisfy all application scenarios IPTV and IPv6 Supported ₹2,899.00 ₹1,599.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View [category_products_tab category_products_tab_style="title_with_sub_categories" rp_desktop="5"
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surat, guest house in surat, banquet hall in surat, space in retail mall in surat, office space in business park in surat, ware house in surat, industrial land in surat, industrial plot in surat, agricultural land in surat, agriculture land in surat, agricultural farm land in surat, business centre in surat, surat reality, reality in surat, reality market of surat, real estate investment in surat, real estate trend of surat, nri investment solutions, nri investment solution, nri investment in surat, nri investment security in surat, house in surat, dream house in surat, property in surat, property investment in surat, property deals in surat, property management in surat, pent house in surat, low rise building in surat, low rise buildings, high rise building in surat, builders and land developers in surat, builder and land developer in surat, lifestyle properties mehsana, mehsana lifestyle properties, 2 bhk residential flats in mehsana, 3 bhk residential flats in mehsana, 4 bhk residential flats in mehsana, 2 bhk new apartments in mehsana, 3 bhk new apartments in mehsana, 4 bhk new apartments in mehsana, 2 bhk residential apartment in mehsana, 3 bhk residential apartment in mehsana, 4 bhk residential apartment in mehsana, plot mehsana, residential plots in mehsana, flats mehsana, residential property in mehsana, villa in mehsana, purchase mehsana flats, townships projects in mehsana, rental property in mehsana, property in mehsana mehsana, commercial projects in mehsana, new properties in mehsana, property consultants in mehsana, buy mehsana properties, buy mehsana property, buy commercial property in mehsana, mehsana real estate, real estate in mehsana, real estate mehsana mehsana, tenement in mehsana, leading builders in mehsana, builders in mehsana, properties mehsana, gated community, hot properties in mehsana, real estate in mehsana, mehsana builders, mehsana real estate, mehsana hot properties, real estate in mehsana, current project in mehsana, current projects in mehsana, hot projects in mehsana, hot project in mehsana, real estate leaders in mehsana, land developer in mehsana, commercial land developer in mehsana, commercial land developers in mehsana, commercial land development services in mehsana, residential property builders in mehsana, residential and commercial property in mehsana, real estate developer in mehsana, real estate sector in mehsana, real estate market in mehsana, real estate sector scenario in mehsana, residential apartment in mehsana, independent house in mehsana, independent villa in mehsana, residential land in mehsana, independent floor in mehsana, builder floor in mehsana, farm house in mehsana, serviced apartment in mehsana, commercial shop in mehsana, commercial showroom in mehsana, commercial office space in mehsana, commercial land in mehsana, commercial plot in mehsana, hotel in mehsana, resort in mehsana, guest house in mehsana, banquet hall in mehsana, space in retail mall in mehsana, office space in business park in mehsana, ware house in mehsana, industrial land in mehsana, industrial plot in mehsana, agricultural land in mehsana, agriculture land in mehsana, agricultural farm land in mehsana, business centre in mehsana, mehsana reality, reality in mehsana, reality market of mehsana, real estate investment in mehsana, real estate trend of mehsana, nri investment solutions, nri investment solution, nri investment in mehsana, nri investment security in mehsana, house in mehsana, dream house in mehsana, property in mehsana, property investment in mehsana, property deals in mehsana, property management in mehsana, pent house in mehsana, low rise building in mehsana, low rise buildings, high rise building in mehsana, builders and land developers in mehsana, builder and land developer in mehsana, lifestyle properties junagadh, junagadh lifestyle properties, 2 bhk residential flats in junagadh, 3 bhk residential flats in junagadh, 4 bhk residential flats in junagadh, 2 bhk new apartments in junagadh, 3 bhk new apartments in junagadh, 4 bhk new apartments in junagadh, 2 bhk residential apartment in junagadh, 3 bhk residential apartment in junagadh, 4 bhk residential apartment in junagadh, plot junagadh, residential plots in junagadh, flats junagadh, residential property in junagadh, villa in junagadh, purchase junagadh flats, townships projects in junagadh, rental property in junagadh, property in junagadh junagadh, commercial projects in junagadh, new properties in junagadh, property consultants in junagadh, buy junagadh properties, buy junagadh property, buy commercial property in junagadh, junagadh real estate, real estate in junagadh, real estate junagadh junagadh, tenement in junagadh, leading builders in junagadh, builders in junagadh, properties junagadh, gated community, hot properties in junagadh, real estate in junagadh, junagadh builders, junagadh real estate, junagadh hot properties, real estate in junagadh, current project in junagadh, current projects in junagadh, hot projects in junagadh, hot project in junagadh, real estate leaders in junagadh, land developer in junagadh, commercial land developer in junagadh, commercial land developers in junagadh, commercial land development services in junagadh, residential property builders in junagadh, residential and commercial property in junagadh, real estate developer in junagadh, real estate sector in junagadh, real estate market in junagadh, real estate sector scenario in junagadh, residential apartment in junagadh, independent house in junagadh, independent villa in junagadh, residential land in junagadh, independent floor in junagadh, builder floor in junagadh, farm house in junagadh, serviced apartment in junagadh, commercial shop in junagadh, commercial showroom in junagadh, commercial office space in junagadh, commercial land in junagadh, commercial plot in junagadh, hotel in junagadh, resort in junagadh, guest house in junagadh, banquet hall in junagadh, space in retail mall in junagadh, office space in business park in junagadh, ware house in junagadh, industrial land in junagadh, industrial plot in junagadh, agricultural land in junagadh, agriculture land in junagadh, agricultural farm land in junagadh, business centre in junagadh, junagadh reality, reality in junagadh, reality market of junagadh, real estate investment in junagadh, real estate trend of junagadh, nri investment solutions, nri investment solution, nri investment in junagadh, nri investment security in junagadh, house in junagadh, dream house in junagadh, property in junagadh, property investment in junagadh, property deals in junagadh, property management in junagadh, pent house in junagadh, low rise building in junagadh, low rise buildings, high rise building in junagadh, builders and land developers in junagadh, builder and land developer in junagadh, lifestyle properties jamnagar, jamnagar lifestyle properties, 2 bhk residential flats in jamnagar, 3 bhk residential flats in 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like 183
Fly Easy Business Solutions | SEO Services | Staffing | Applications | India Fly Easy Business Solutions offers various services for development of an organization. Services include SEO Services, Web Designing and Maintenance, Development of E-commerce and CMS Websites, Applications include Mobile Web App development, Android, iOS, Windows and Blackberry App Development, Staffing for Domestic and US, Print Solutions like logo design, graphic design and After effects.Fly Easy Business Solutions offers various services for development of an organization. Services include SEO Services, Web Designing and Maintenance, Development of E-commerce and CMS Websites, Applications include Mobile Web App development, Android, iOS, Windows and Blackberry App Development, Staffing for Domestic and US, Print Solutions like logo design, graphic design and After effects.
like 210
World Engineering Services Private Limited:outsource engineering services to India Outsource Engineering Services India: World Engineering Services Private Limited. India based professionally managed company offering a wide range of engineering services
like 186
Leadman Electronics USA, Inc. | Supporting ODM and OEM with custom hardware solutions Leadman Electronics USA, Inc. is a leading provider of datacenter server solutions, manufacturing services, and design services based in Silicon Valley.ODM and OEM hardware CM manufacturer, FISP solution,
like 173
UI/UX Design Company in Mumbai, India | Yellow Slice Yellow Slice is an UI UX design company in Mumbai. We are leading UI/UX design agency in India offering services like UI (User Interface) , UX (User Experience) Audit, UX Research, UX Motion & Usability Testing.Yellow Slice is an UI UX design company in Mumbai. We are leading UI/UX design agency in India offering services like UI (User Interface) , UX (User Experience) Audit, UX Research, UX Motion & Usability Testing.
like 190
Business Website | Logo Design Trivandrum | Website Developing Company Trivandrum | Website Creating Company Kerala | Website Design | website application development company kerala | website application development company Trivandrum We Soft Creations is one of the leading website design and logo design companies in Trivandrum Kerala. We offer services in website design logo design and SEO
like 176
Exhibition Stall Design, Exhibition Stall Design India, Affordable Exhibition Stall Design,Trade Show Display Approachmedia is a Exhibitions Stall Designing Company in Ahmedabad,Exhibition Stall Design, Exhibition Stall Design India, Affordable Exhibition Stall Design,Trade Show Display, Corporate Exhibition Stall Design
like 181
Jones Design Associates - Luxury Hospitality Design - Atlanta Georgia Jones Design Associates crafts luxury hospitality spaces for the most discerning guest and some of the premier hotel brands around the globeJones Design Associates crafts luxury hospitality spaces for the most discerning guest and some of the premier hotel brands around the globe
like 348
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like 208
Facility Management Companies in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR, Noida, India | Facility Plus Services Facility Plus is a leading Facility Management services provider in Delhi NCR, Gurgaon and Noida, India. We provide the Best facility management services in Delhi like staff Outsourcing, Housekeeping, security services, pest control, Pantry, Facade Cleaning. - Facility Plus facility management service provider in Delhi Noida and facility management companies in Gurgaon.
like 206
TRB Oilfield Services | Oilfield Services | Bakersfield TRB Oilfield Services in Bakersfield, CA, offers critical oilfield site services to the oil & gas industry in the western United States. TRB services include oil well plug & abandonment, oil well cementing, coil tubing, nitrogen services,, lab testing, tool completion and more. TRB Oilfield Services in Bakersfield, CA, offers critical oilfield site services to the oil & gas industry in the western United States. TRB services include oil well plug & abandonment, oil well cementing, coil tubing, nitrogen services,, lab testing, tool completion and more.
like 159
Affordable Website Design and Professional Logo Design for $150 Affordable website design, professional logo design services, mirrored website hosting services, and a do-it-yourself website builder.Affordable website design, professional logo design services, mirrored website hosting services, and a do-it-yourself website builder.
like 175 - Hand-Crafted Illustration and Design Full Service Design and Illustration Studio. Officially commissioned gigposters, Hand-printed Art Prints, Fun and fresh enamel pins, embroidered patches, Apparel, Board Games, Puzzles and more. Services include: Illustration, Design, Branding, Logo Design, Packaging, Merchandising, Sourcing and Producing, Web DesignFull Service Design and Illustration Studio. Officially commissioned gigposters, Hand-printed Art Prints, Fun and fresh enamel pins, embroidered patches, Apparel, Board Games, Puzzles and more. Services include: Illustration, Design, Branding, Logo Design, Packaging, Merchandising, Sourcing and Producing, Web Design
like 191
#1 Web Design Durham | Web Design North East - Design365 County Durham web design agency, offering professional website design & eCommerce web design services in Durham & across the North East. Call Design365 on: 01325 311 909.Bespoke Website Design & Development
like 223
Web Design Doncaster | Doncaster Graphic Designers | Work Creative Graphic Design in Doncaster by Work Creative
like 197
Freelance Designer in Newcastle upon Tyne - Will Howe Logo Design, Brand Design, Graphic Design & Website Design in Newcastle upon Tyne by Freelance Designer & Design Director Will Howe.Logo Design, Brand Design, Graphic Design & Website Design in Newcastle upon Tyne by Freelance Designer & Design Director Will Howe.
like 184
SARA BERNARDI | MICROmacro Design | Interiors, product, furnitures, installation Architect and designer, Sara Bernardi designs interiors, furniture and installations. She founded her Atelier in Beijing as a Design laboratory, focusing on contradictions and dichotomies, grafting different design scales and mixing different cultural identities and influences.Architect and designer, Sara Bernardi designs interiors, furniture and installations. She founded her Atelier in Beijing as a Design laboratory, focusing on contradictions and dichotomies, grafting different design scales and mixing different cultural identities and influences.
like 169
Product design - Corpus-C Design Agentur - Product Design, User Interface Design We are Corpus-C Design Agency, located in Fürth near Nürnberg. We develop innovative and functional product design solutions with business areas in Consumer and Capital goods, Medical Design and Laboratory Design. Strategic design and pioneering product solutions.
like 182
Sync Creative - Graphic Design & Web development media company Saffron Walden, Cambridge and surrounding areas - bringing a new meaning to design in Cambridge Sync Creative are a new graphic design & web development studio in Saffron Walden, Cambridge - producing creative responses for a varied client base. Our work is thoughtfully conceived, well crafted and multifunctional.
like 171
Lim + Lu Lim and Lu, Hong Kong based interior designer specializing in residential design, commercial design, restaurant design, office design, and hospitality design. Vincent Lim, Elaine Lu.Lim and Lu, Hong Kong based interior designer specializing in residential design, commercial design, restaurant design, office design, and hospitality design. Vincent Lim, Elaine Lu.
like 148
İkon Life Ajans - Tabela | Ajans | Marka Tescili & Patent | Sosyal Medya Tabela, Ajans, Marka Tescili & Patent ve Sosyal Medya alanında profesyonel ekibimizle hizmetinizdeyiz. Bizleri tercih eden yüzlerce mutlu ikonlardan biri de siz olmaya ne dersiniz?
like 169
Patent Attorney | Litigation | Corporate | Criminal | Paducah, KY Ms. Tennyson is a trademark, copyright and patent attorney. Mr. Marcum represents clients in family law, criminal defense, corporate and litigation areas.
like 170
Neustel Law Offices - Intellectual Property Attorneys Intellectual property law firm providing affordable U.S patent searches and patent applications for inventors and businesses.
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Senel IP&Law Firm Izmir, Turkey Avukat Mustafa Şenel, İzmir Barosu’na bağlı olarak marka, patent, iş hukuku alanlarında avukatlık ve hukuki danışmanlık ile tescil hizmetleri vermektedir.Avukat Mustafa Şenel, İzmir Barosu’na bağlı olarak marka, patent, iş hukuku alanlarında avukatlık ve hukuki danışmanlık ile tescil hizmetleri vermektedir.
like 147
TÜRKPATENT Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu
like 135
Eric Waltmire's Blog - Patent and Trademark Law; Software and Electronic Arts Patents; Creativity and Invention; Brands Patent and Trademark Law; Software and Electronic Arts Patents; Creativity and Invention; Brands
like 199
Printing Torrington CT Facebook - Murphy Boyz Printing CT Murphy Boyz Printing and Marketing, LLC from Litchfield CT USA Printing, Facebook marketing, promotional products, embroidery, custom graphic design logos, & full printing services at Murphy Boyz Printing Torrington CT 06790Murphy Boyz Printing and Marketing, LLC from Litchfield CT USA Printing, Facebook marketing, promotional products, embroidery, custom graphic design logos, & full printing services at Murphy Boyz Printing Torrington CT 06790
like 158
MADAAN & Co. Attorneys at law, International Law Firm, Madaan Law Firm International Law Firm offering services in Forming companies, Joint Ventures, Outsourcing to India, USA Companies Doing Business in India, corporate law, business law, outsourcing law, commercial law, real estate law, international trade, international arbitration, litigation, arbitration, trademark, patent, incorporation, joint ventures, India, USA, America, India law firm
like 175
Custom Design & Mfr Corp, Rivervale, NJ - Custom Design & Mfr Corp, Rivervale, NJ Custom Design & Mfr Corp from East Sandwich MA USA Custom Design & Mfr Corp, Rivervale, NJ. Looking for promotional products, advertising specialties and business gifts? You've come to the right site! Whether you are looking for a specific item or just browsing for ideas, our site is your one-stop source.Custom Design & Mfr Corp from East Sandwich MA USA Custom Design & Mfr Corp, Rivervale, NJ. Looking for promotional products, advertising specialties and business gifts? You've come to the right site! Whether you are looking for a specific item or just browsing for ideas, our site is your one-stop source.
like 208
HPHT Diamond Manufacturer USA | Lab Grown Diamond Manufacturer Riddhi Corporation is an HPHT Lab-Grown Diamond Manufacturer and Supplies to Newyork, Los Angeles, California, Chicago, and Across the USA.
like 194
Enjoy Job Vacancies Online - Find Jobs in USA Here you can find jobs around the USA. We have updated database of jobs in various categories. You can easily find your dream jobs in USA with this job portal.Here you can find jobs around the USA. We have updated database of jobs in various categories. You can easily find your dream jobs in USA with this job portal.
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Buy Hydroponic System USA | Hydroponic Lighting Systems | Buy Hydroponics Nutrients Buy hydroponic systems, best hydroponic nutrients, hydroponic lighting systems, organic hydroponic nutrients, hydroponic gardening supplies in USA By Online @
like 185
High Performance Electric Bikes Made in the USA Hi Power Cycles manufactures a complete lineup of high performance electric bikes made here in the USA including the Revolution, Scout and Titan. We also offer custom made in the USA battery systems and complete electric bicycle conversion kits. We are the leaders in bike innovation and technology!Hi Power Cycles manufactures a complete lineup of high performance electric bikes made here in the USA including the Revolution, Scout and Titan. We also offer custom made in the USA battery systems and complete electric bicycle conversion kits. We are the leaders in bike innovation and technology!
like 211
Hair Extensions | SEISETA USA - Seiseta Euro So.Cap is a world leader in hair extensions and hair extension products, such as keratin bond hair extensions which is the most used method of application for hair extensions.
like 203
Hair Extensions | SEISETA USA - Seiseta Euro So.Cap is a world leader in hair extensions and hair extension products, such as keratin bond hair extensions which is the most used method of application for hair extensions.
like 184
Hair Extensions | SEISETA USA - Seiseta Euro So.Cap is a world leader in hair extensions and hair extension products, such as keratin bond hair extensions which is the most used method of application for hair extensions.
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Home - PromoBiz USA LLC PromoBiz USA LLC from Torrance CA USA Looking for promotional products, advertising specialties and business gifts? You've come to the right site! Whether you are looking for a specific item or just browsing for ideas, our site is your one-stop source.PromoBiz USA LLC from Torrance CA USA Looking for promotional products, advertising specialties and business gifts? You've come to the right site! Whether you are looking for a specific item or just browsing for ideas, our site is your one-stop source.
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USA Compression Partners LLC | People, Culture, Equipment, Service In working to exceed our customer's expectations, USA Compression commits to an environment that emphasizes the development of our people and the maintenance of our modern, adaptable compressor fleet.Our mission is to merit the trust, confidence and goodwill of our customers and our people every day.In working to exceed our customer's expectations, USA Compression commits to an environment that emphasizes the development of our people and the maintenance of our modern, adaptable compressor fleet.Our mission is to merit the trust, confidence and goodwill of our customers and our people every day.
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Auto Repair Services & Mechanics in Stafford, Missouri City, Sugar Land Full-service Auto Repair Services for Sugar Land, Stafford, and Missouri City offering only the best and most affordable car repair and mechanic services.Full-service Auto Repair Services for Sugar Land, Stafford, and Missouri City offering only the best and most affordable car repair and mechanic services.Full-service Auto Repair Services for Sugar Land, Stafford, and Missouri City offering only the best and most affordable car repair and mechanic services.Full-service Auto Repair Services for Sugar Land, Stafford, and Missouri City offering only the best and most affordable car repair and mechanic services.
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SEO India, Search Engine Optimization India, Search Engine Optimization Services, Search Engine Optimization Services India, Web Promotion, EBusiness Solutions, Web Hosting, Cheap Web hosting India, web designing services, effective Web designing company SEO India, Search Engine Optimization India, Search Engine Optimization Services, Search Engine Optimization Services India, web promotion, E-Business Solutions, Providing Web Hosting, Cheap Web hosting India, web designing services, economical & effective Web designing company of India provides Web Hosting, Web designing, Web promotion, Search engine optimization, SEO and cheap domain registration India services
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Service Provider of Custom Clearance Services & International Freight Forwarding Service by V. B. Bhatia Global Logistics, Mumbai V. B. Bhatia Global Logistics - Service Provider of Custom Clearance Services, International Freight Forwarding Service & Cargo Transportation Services from Mumbai, Maharashtra, IndiaV. B. Bhatia Global Logistics - Service Provider of Custom Clearance Services, International Freight Forwarding Service & Cargo Transportation Services from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Rishabh Engineering Services - Quality Engineering Solutions Rishabh Engineering Services offers quality Engineering solutions and multi-discipline engineering support services. Our services include engineering and stress analysis, 3D modeling, design and detailing, as-building and drawing conversion.Rishabh Engineering Services offers quality Engineering solutions and multi-discipline engineering support services. Our services include engineering and stress analysis, 3D modeling, design and detailing, as-building and drawing conversion.
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Traffic Signal Design, How Do Traffic Signals Work? Sanderson Associates offer a full range of services with respect to the provision of Traffic Signal Design ServicesSanderson Associates offer a full range of services with respect to the provision of Traffic Signal Design Services
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Interior Design Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Renovation Specialist Kuala Lumpur (KL) ~ The One Decor Enterprise Our company services includes one stop house & shop renovation, free quotation & design, door to door services, free professional advice, interior & exterior design, construction & renovation, kitchen cabinet, plaster ceiling, flooring, electrical, wallpaper, aluminium & glass, wiring work, grille, awning, plumbing & sanitary installation, and property agent.
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LOT ARCHITECTS | Project & Services LOT ARCHITECTS is committed to develop exceptional architectural, interior design and consultancy services to archive finest design results from begining to completion.LOT ARCHITECTS is committed to develop exceptional architectural, interior design and consultancy services to archive finest design results from begining to completion.
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Selection Decoration & Construction | Selection Decoration & Construction decoration design is important in home design and important in construction design as it attract the customer and make more revenues from design decoration.decoration design is important in home design and important in construction design as it attract the customer and make more revenues from design decoration.Selection offers interior and exterior decoration and construction services for your home or your business anywhere in Egypt
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Exhibition stall design | Brochure & Graphic Design| Fabrication Agency Mumbai Equal Designs offers a range of media services like Exhibition Stall Design , Stand Builders, Brochure design,brand identity, Branding /printing & Fabrication Agency in Mumbai, India
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PDF Forms Design & Website Design by Jamie King Wales UK Jamie King PDF Forms Design and specialist Website Design in Wales UK, providing fillable PDF forms and Hand Coded bespoke website designs in Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Wales, England & the UKCreative design agency in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire providing hand coded website design, digital marketing and PDF form design services
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Roche Harbor Marine Services/Philbrooks Boatyard USA – Parts and Service in Roche Harbor, WA, near Seattle, Bellingham, Victoria and Vancouver Roche Harbor Marine Services/Philbrooks Boatyard USA is a marine dealership located in Roche Harbor, WA. We offer service, as well as parts from manufacturers such as Yamaha, Suzuki Marine and Yanmar Marine. Near the areas of Seattle, Bellingham, Victoria and Vancouver.
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ZURB - Home ZURB, creating unique customer and user experiences. We are brand engineers that provide companies with strategic marketing, design and branding solutions. Work includes identity, branding, information design, web design, illustration, software design, icon design, and multimedia work.
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Homepage BRIDGE FOR DESIGN is a must read for anyone interested in the world of interior design. Published five times a year BRIDGE FOR DESIGN offers an irresistible mix of beautiful homes, interior design news, informative design trend views and advertisers that you won't find elsewhere. Now you can make sure that you don't miss a copy - and save 25% on the cover price for eight issues
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SmokinMedia | Web Design Evolution Creative responsive web design, search engine optimisation, online marketing, social media marketing, web hosting and usability testing at affordable prices.
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Web Design Company in Chennai & Web Development Company in Chennai We are the most experienced and highly trusted Web Design Company in Chennai. With 13+ years of experience our best professional team design both static and dynamic websites starting from small startups to large enterprises.
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Codesign We design brand identity and communication to connect ideas and people, creating value and impact for brands and organisations.