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André Brasilier Galerie du peintre André Brasilier. Gallery of French Contemporary Painter Andre Brasilier. Présentation du peintre français André Brasilier, documentation sur son oeuvre et sa vie. Introduction to Andre Brasilier, documentation on his works and life. Présentation de la galerie Bac Saint-Germain. Presentation of the Bac Saint-Germain Art Gallery. André Brasilier, art contemporain, art contemporain paris, art galleries, art galleries paris, art gallery, art gallery paris, bd st germain gallery, bd st-germain gallery, boulevard st germain gallery, boulevard st-germain gallery, Brasilier, brasilier contemporary painter, brasilier painter, brasilier peintre, brasilier peintre contemporain, contemporary art, contemporary art paris, contemporary french painter, contemporary painter, french contemporary painter, french painter, galerie art, galerie art paris, galerie Bac Saint-Germain, galerie bd st germain, galerie bd st-germain, galeries bd st germain, galeries bd st-germain, galerie boulevard st germain, galerie boulevard st-germain, galeries boulevard st germain, galeries boulevard st-germain, galerie d art, galerie d art paris, galerie dart, galerie dart paris, galerie paris, galerie peinture, galerie peinture, galerie rue du bac, galerie saint-germain-des-pres, galerie saint-germain-des-pres, galerie st-germain-des-pres, galerie saint germain des pres, galerie saint germain des pres, galerie st germain des pres, galeries saint germain des pres, galeries saint germain des pres, galeries st germain des pres, galeries art, galeries art paris, galeries dart, galeries dart paris, galeries paris, galeries peinture, galeries peinture paris, galeries rue du bac, paris art contemporain, paris art galleries, paris art gallery, paris contemporary art, paris contemporary gallery, paris contemporary painter, paris contemporary galleries, paris contemporary painters, paris galerie art, paris galerie dart, paris galerie peinture, paris galeries art, paris galeries dart, paris galeries peinture, paris galleries, paris gallery, paris gallery, paris peintre contemporain, paris peintre français, paris peintres contemporain, paris peintres français, peintre Brasilier, peintre contemporain, peintre français, peintre français contemporain, peintres contemporain, peintres français, peintres français contemporain, rue du bac art galleries, rue du bac art gallery, rue du bac galleries, rue du bac gallery, st-germain-des-pres gallery, st-germain-des-pres galleries, Alexis Brasilier
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Buy Art. Rent Art. Rent and Rotate Art for your Office in London with Art in Offices. | Art In Offices Rent office art in London from Art in Offices, the leading art consultant specialising in corporate art, office art and art rentals. As creative art consultants we can lease art to enrich your workspace, inspire your staff and empower your brand.Rent office art in London from Art in Offices, the leading art consultant specialising in corporate art, office art and art rentals. As creative art consultants we can lease art to enrich your
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Archival painting supports for making art, archival art panels for mounting art, and the Art Storage System for storing art. Archival Art Panels made in custom and stock sizes for the artist to paint on, and the Art Storage System for storing art, and the Art Mounting System for mounting finished art to art panels,art storage desks, all made in Brooklyn, NY, USA.
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Buy Indian Art Paintings | Sell Art | Original Art Painting, Artwork for Sale Online Beautiful Indian art paintings online for sale. Buy Indian art, sell original paintings online, Indian artwork from established and emerging artists. Worldwide shipping.Indian Art Ideas is one of the best online art gallery to buy original Indian art, sculptures, personalized paintings and prints at best prices.
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Art Deco Furniture Specialists UK || Cloud 9 Art Deco Furniture Cloud 9 Art Deco are Art Deco Furniture suppliers, specialising in original Art Deco furniture including Art Deco Suites, Dining and Decorative furniture.
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Winged Canvas | Online Art School | Visual Art Classes Winged Canvas is an online art school in Canada offering virtual art classes, camps and art mentorship. Live classes are taught by professional artists.Winged Canvas is an online art school in Canada offering virtual art classes, camps and art mentorship. Live classes are taught by professional artists.
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Tata Intellion - Work Space | Commercial Office Spaces | Corporate Space Intellion corporate office spaces are designed to deliver smart & harmonious work environment. These work spaces have integrated work, play, dine areas making it a distinctive corporate space.Intellion corporate office spaces are designed to deliver smart & harmonious work environment. These work spaces have integrated work, play, dine areas making it a distinctive corporate space.Intellion corporate office spaces are designed to deliver smart & harmonious work environment. These work spaces have integrated work, play, dine areas making it a distinctive corporate space.
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Irish Art Gallery | Art Click Ireland Discover Irish Art and the work of hundreds of Irish Artists in our online Irish art gallery with Original Irish Art and Paintings for Sale Ireland. Buy Now or Make an offer on our large selection of paintings and art prints. A world of Irish art at your fingertips
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Visual Art Gallery : Contemporary Modern Art Paintings : Art Guide : Los Angeles Museums : Visual Art SourceVisual Art Source Visual Art Source (VAS) is the Greatest Art Guide on Modern Art Paintings, Los Angeles Museums, Visual Art Galleries & Contemporary Paintings.
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Sonja Zagermann We have a strong focus on the design of transcultural and multilingual work in form of publications, posters, magazines, identities and websites in close collaboration with individuals, institutions and organisations, in Switzerland, Europe and Asia. As part of tria publishing platform, Zurich–Beijing we mediate and exchange young and contemporary art positions between Asia and Europe. tria was founded 2015 together with the curators and art critics Antonie Angerer and Anna-Viktoria Eschbach who are running the platform for international art discourse and exchange I:project space, Beijing. trWe have a strong focus on the design of transcultural and multilingual work in form of publications, posters, magazines, identities and websites in close collaboration with individuals, institutions and organisations, in Switzerland, Europe and Asia. As part of tria publishing platform, Zurich–Beijing we mediate and exchange young and contemporary art positions between Asia and Europe. tria was founded 2015 together with the curators and art critics Antonie Angerer and Anna-Viktoria Eschbach who are running the platform for international art discourse and exchange I:project space, Beijing. tr
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Jordan Mozer + Architects Ltd. Design Architects, Architect, Design Thinking, Industrial Design, public art, Sculpture, painting, Interior design, Contemporary design, contemporary architecture, modern architecture, seating design, experiential design, international design, sustainable designDesign Architects, Architect, Design Thinking, Industrial Design, public art, Sculpture, painting, Interior design, Contemporary design, contemporary architecture, modern architecture, seating design, experiential design, international design, sustainable design
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See Jane Work the Destination for Office Style and Organization See Jane Work offers working women, no matter what kind of work they do, tools and products to help them manage their time efficiently, and to get and stay organized, so they can create a life and living they love. At See Jane Work we believe getting your work done is easier in a workspace you love.See Jane Work offers working women, no matter what kind of work they do, tools and products to help them manage their time efficiently, and to get and stay organized, so they can create a life and living they love. At See Jane Work we believe getting your work done is easier in a workspace you love.
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Nomad Pro - Quality Workwear and Safety Gear - Canada Nomad Industries is a supplier of safety workwear, safety gear, high visibility work wear and coveralls, traffic safety vests, work wear clothing, tool belts, tool bags, safety clothing, safety glasses, safety vests, and safety equipment in Canada. Nomad Pro products are high quality safety and work wear products distributed by leading supplier Nomad Industries. Our products also include wiping rads, safety gear, safety work wear, traffic safety vests, work boots, safety glasses, and industrial work wear. Nomad Industries is located in Surrey, BC, Canada.
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Home - Stay home, stay safe.. New Arrival 37% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Pack of 4, AA Ni-Cd 1000 mAh Capacity Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: International Standard universally compatible 4 pcs of rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries. Batteries needs to be charged before first use Capacity: Best in Industry 1000mAh capacity batteries with no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity Discharge: Batteries are equipped with low self discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use Compatibility: Envie AA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Flashlights, Torches and various other devices. Batteries also support Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger Environment friendly:Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highy protected environment friendly energy solution ₹395.00 ₹250.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Plus Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 1100 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 1100mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹395.00 ₹230.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 800 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 800mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹345.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 35% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DTWS-005 AIRTUNE in-Ear TWS with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, in-Built Mic, and LED Indicators 0 out of 5 (0) BE UNSTOPPABLE: Power-Packed with cutting-edge latest Bluetooth V5.1 technology and sleek, minimalistic design, these earbuds allow you to enjoy your favorite music/receive call while swimming, gymming, exercising, and what not! Get true freedom from wires with optimized shape for a better fit, perfected in connectivity, and enhanced hands-free microphone. TRUE WIRELESS STRUCTURE: Truly wireless Bluetooth earbuds supports auto-pairing to make your calling experience more convenient. That makes them perfect for work and play. INTELLIGENCE INBUILT: True wireless earphones with mic and cool multi-function button operation help you to Play / Pause Music, Change the song, Answer / Reject Calls. ERGONOMIC & SECURE FIT: These earbuds are both convenient and chic, as their ergonomic design fits the ear canal so perfectly and is not easy to fall off while running, exercising, or any other heavy physical activity. LONG LASTING ENJOYMENT: Always be ready for action while doing sports in the gym or while working from home with CALL TIME/PLAYTIME of up to 3 to 4 hours & 10m wide range of Bluetooth. So, stay connected stay confident. DIGITEK AIR-TUNE In-Ear True Wireless Earphone (TWS) with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, In-Built Mic, and LED Indicators (DTWS-005) ₹1,995.00 ₹1,295.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 51% Off Add to wishlist Quick View Digitek DE-044 in-Ear Wired Stereo Earphone, Built-in Microphone, Tangle Resistant Cable (White) 0 out of 5 (0) Headset Design In the Ear, Superior Sound, with Bass you can Feel and gives you the most comfortable listening experience even for longer listening periods. ₹395.00 ₹195.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 60% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM M18 1000 DPI Wired USB Optical Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) 1000 DPI tracking engine, accurate tracking. (2) Anti-slip grille roller, smooth sliding. (3) Use immediately after plugging in, save trouble. (4) Ergonomic design for a stronger grip. ₹499.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Blue 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 47% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK® DBS-210 Super BASS Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker with HD Sound, 8W Output, TWS, in Built Mic | Up to 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) 0 out of 5 (0) DIGITEK Super BASS Portable Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker | with HD Sound 8W Output | TWS |in Built Mic | Upto 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) Functions : Short press to Volume up, Long Press to change to Next Song. Power switch, Long Press : Turn ON / OFF; Short Press: Play / Pause; Double click to change Mode. BT Mode, click twice to call the latest incoming outgoing call. When calling, press one time to answer, press again to reject. Short press to Volume Down, Long press to change into Last Song. Micro USB charging port. USB card port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 files. TF Card Port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 in High Fidelity Music files. LED indication: Blue Light Flashes lowly when Playing Music, flashes quickly when Bluetooth and Radio search working, the Red Light is Turn ON when charging, and the Green Light is ON when it is fully charged . Built-in MIC entrance. TWS instructions: When both speakers are in the Bluetooth search state, click one of the Power start to Pair. After the connection is successful, the Blue Light of the secondary unit is always ON & the host continues to search until the connection is completed. FM Instruction : Insert the MICRO USB Charging cable to use as the FM external antenna. click one time the power button to enter the FM function, then press the Play Button to start searching. The search process Blue Light flashes quickly and the channel is automatically saved after the search is completed. Press and hold the Volume Plus or Minus Button to switch the Audio channel. ₹1,995.00 ₹1,049.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 65% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-026C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger Dual USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹795.00 ₹275.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 68% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-025C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹695.00 ₹225.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 45% Off Add to wishlist Quick View MERCUSYS AC10 AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Router with 4 High Gain Antennas 0 out of 5 (0) High-Speed Wi-Fi – Stream with fast and stable connections, reaching speeds up to 1167 Mbps (300 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band and 867 Mbps on the 5 GHz band) 4 High-Gain External Antennas – Receive strong Wi-Fi signals in every corner of your home Easy Installation – Set up in minutes guided by an intuitive web UI Active Parental Controls – Protect your family by setting appropriate access policies for responsible, safe internet use Multi-Mode — Access Point Mode, Range Extender Mode, and Router Mode supported to satisfy all application scenarios IPTV and IPv6 Supported ₹2,899.00 ₹1,599.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View [category_products_tab category_products_tab_style="title_with_sub_categories" rp_desktop="5"New Arrival 37% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Pack of 4, AA Ni-Cd 1000 mAh Capacity Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: International Standard universally compatible 4 pcs of rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries. Batteries needs to be charged before first use Capacity: Best in Industry 1000mAh capacity batteries with no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity Discharge: Batteries are equipped with low self discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use Compatibility: Envie AA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Flashlights, Torches and various other devices. Batteries also support Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger Environment friendly:Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highy protected environment friendly energy solution ₹395.00 ₹250.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Plus Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 1100 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 1100mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹395.00 ₹230.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 42% Off Add to wishlist Quick View ENVIE Infinite Pack of 2, AAA Ni-Mh 800 mAh Capacity Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery 0 out of 5 (0) Functional design: Set of 2 International Standard universally compatible rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries which can be used straight from the pack without initial charging. Capacity: Best in Industry 800mAh capacity batteries with 500+ charge cycles and no memory effect so they can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity. Discharge: Batteries are equipped with a low self-discharge mechanism to hold charge upto 80% for 12 months without use. Compatibility: Envie AAA Batteries are compatible with numerous devices including Remote Controls, Electronic Toys, Cameras, Flashlights, Torches, and various other devices. Batteries also support the Quick Charge mechanism which can be done via any smart or quick charger. Environment friendly: Envie batteries provide you a safe and stable highly protected environment-friendly energy solution. Warranty: Batteries come with 3 months warranty against poor backup and a 1-year warranty against battery leakage. For any query Contact_us on : [ +91-11-47074444] ₹345.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 35% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DTWS-005 AIRTUNE in-Ear TWS with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, in-Built Mic, and LED Indicators 0 out of 5 (0) BE UNSTOPPABLE: Power-Packed with cutting-edge latest Bluetooth V5.1 technology and sleek, minimalistic design, these earbuds allow you to enjoy your favorite music/receive call while swimming, gymming, exercising, and what not! Get true freedom from wires with optimized shape for a better fit, perfected in connectivity, and enhanced hands-free microphone. TRUE WIRELESS STRUCTURE: Truly wireless Bluetooth earbuds supports auto-pairing to make your calling experience more convenient. That makes them perfect for work and play. INTELLIGENCE INBUILT: True wireless earphones with mic and cool multi-function button operation help you to Play / Pause Music, Change the song, Answer / Reject Calls. ERGONOMIC & SECURE FIT: These earbuds are both convenient and chic, as their ergonomic design fits the ear canal so perfectly and is not easy to fall off while running, exercising, or any other heavy physical activity. LONG LASTING ENJOYMENT: Always be ready for action while doing sports in the gym or while working from home with CALL TIME/PLAYTIME of up to 3 to 4 hours & 10m wide range of Bluetooth. So, stay connected stay confident. DIGITEK AIR-TUNE In-Ear True Wireless Earphone (TWS) with Premium Deep Bass, Bluetooth 5.1, Up to 4 Hours Playtime Time, In-Built Mic, and LED Indicators (DTWS-005) ₹1,995.00 ₹1,295.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 51% Off Add to wishlist Quick View Digitek DE-044 in-Ear Wired Stereo Earphone, Built-in Microphone, Tangle Resistant Cable (White) 0 out of 5 (0) Headset Design In the Ear, Superior Sound, with Bass you can Feel and gives you the most comfortable listening experience even for longer listening periods. ₹395.00 ₹195.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 60% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM M18 1000 DPI Wired USB Optical Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) 1000 DPI tracking engine, accurate tracking. (2) Anti-slip grille roller, smooth sliding. (3) Use immediately after plugging in, save trouble. (4) Ergonomic design for a stronger grip. ₹499.00 ₹199.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Black 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 64% Off Add to wishlist Quick View EVM WM009 1000/1200/1600 DPI 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse – Blue 0 out of 5 (0) Specifications : (1) Mouse: 2.4Ghz wireless mouse (2) Material: ABS (3) Number of keys: 4D (4) DPI : 1000/ 1200/ 1600 (5) Wheel scroll: Black DPI (6) Connector: USB nano receiver (7) Battery: 1*AA (not included) ₹899.00 ₹325.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 47% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK® DBS-210 Super BASS Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker with HD Sound, 8W Output, TWS, in Built Mic | Up to 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) 0 out of 5 (0) DIGITEK Super BASS Portable Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker | with HD Sound 8W Output | TWS |in Built Mic | Upto 7 Hours Playtime (Multi Colour) Functions : Short press to Volume up, Long Press to change to Next Song. Power switch, Long Press : Turn ON / OFF; Short Press: Play / Pause; Double click to change Mode. BT Mode, click twice to call the latest incoming outgoing call. When calling, press one time to answer, press again to reject. Short press to Volume Down, Long press to change into Last Song. Micro USB charging port. USB card port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 files. TF Card Port, support Max 32GB Flash, compatible with WAV/MP3 in High Fidelity Music files. LED indication: Blue Light Flashes lowly when Playing Music, flashes quickly when Bluetooth and Radio search working, the Red Light is Turn ON when charging, and the Green Light is ON when it is fully charged . Built-in MIC entrance. TWS instructions: When both speakers are in the Bluetooth search state, click one of the Power start to Pair. After the connection is successful, the Blue Light of the secondary unit is always ON & the host continues to search until the connection is completed. FM Instruction : Insert the MICRO USB Charging cable to use as the FM external antenna. click one time the power button to enter the FM function, then press the Play Button to start searching. The search process Blue Light flashes quickly and the channel is automatically saved after the search is completed. Press and hold the Volume Plus or Minus Button to switch the Audio channel. ₹1,995.00 ₹1,049.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 65% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-026C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger Dual USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹795.00 ₹275.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 68% Off Add to wishlist Quick View DIGITEK DMC-025C 2.4A Smart Fast Charger USB Adapter for Smartphone with C Type Data Cable 2.4A 0 out of 5 (0) Made in India-It is made in India with Indian standard plugs Fast output- charger can give an output of 5V/2.4 Ampere. multi-protection safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices as it is inert against over-heat, over-current, and over-charging conditions ₹695.00 ₹225.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View 45% Off Add to wishlist Quick View MERCUSYS AC10 AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Router with 4 High Gain Antennas 0 out of 5 (0) High-Speed Wi-Fi – Stream with fast and stable connections, reaching speeds up to 1167 Mbps (300 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band and 867 Mbps on the 5 GHz band) 4 High-Gain External Antennas – Receive strong Wi-Fi signals in every corner of your home Easy Installation – Set up in minutes guided by an intuitive web UI Active Parental Controls – Protect your family by setting appropriate access policies for responsible, safe internet use Multi-Mode — Access Point Mode, Range Extender Mode, and Router Mode supported to satisfy all application scenarios IPTV and IPv6 Supported ₹2,899.00 ₹1,599.00 Add to cart Add to wishlist Quick View [category_products_tab category_products_tab_style="title_with_sub_categories" rp_desktop="5"
like 216
The Art Shop Skipton - Art & Craft Supplies and Art Materials Online The Art Shop Skipton supplier of Art Supplies, Artist Materials & Craft Products online including, easels, canvas, graphic supplies, artist paint, pencils, paper, brushes and more. High quality art supplies at the very best prices with fast delivery.
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Art Restoration, Art Foundation, fine art restore services, painting restoration, art restorer India, delhi, conservation Art Restore Specializes in Art restoration, Art Foundation, art restore services India, painting restoration, art restorer company Delhi, India, fine art restoration and conservation of oil Painting Paper Artwork. We Offer Comprehensive Art restoration services to charitable and education Institutions, Museums Galleries, art Collectors and private clients.
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Modern and Contemporary Indian Art Gallery Exhibitions for Modern Indian Art, Exhibitions for Contemporary Indian Art by Pundole Art Gallery based in South Mumbai India
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Robin Imaging-Midwest Printer-Cincinnati Ohio-Boutique-Specializes in Fine Art Printing, and Photos-Canvas, HD Metal, Acrylic mounted, Custom wallpaper, Wallcovering Robin Imaging carefully digitally scans and prints your distinctive fine art (giclee) and photographic images on HD Metal, Canvas, Acrylic, fine art papers, wall covering and more, Cincinnati, Ohio
like 182
ART LOFT ASIA - Home to Asian Art Welcome to ArtLoft - Home to Asian Art. Discover, buy or rent original artworks by talented, emerging Asian contemporary artists.
like 253
Bhavani Steel Art in Surat ,We are manufacturer of all type of railing & art work. And we febrication in all type of matel like m.s,ss,brass copper etc...We are manufacturer of all type of school furniture & home appliances.. Bhavani Steel Art in Surat ,We are manufacturer of all type of railing & art work. And we febrication in a.Get Latest Updates and offers, Contact, Address, Ratings, Location, Maps for Bhavani Steel Art;Bhavani Steel Art - We are manufacturer of all type of railing & art work. And we febrication in all type of matel like m.s,ss,brass copper etc...We are manufacturer of all type of school furniture & home appliances..
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British Art Studies journal | Issue Index | Issues | British Art Studies An open access online journal about British art and architecture.
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Best Art College in Burdwan, West Bengal - Bachelor of Fine Art Bachelor of Fine Art College West Bengal, Master of Fine Art Course West Bengal, Diploma in Visual Art course West Bengal, BFA course admission West BengalBachelor of Fine Art College West Bengal, Master of Fine Art Course West Bengal, Diploma in Visual Art course West Bengal, BFA course admission West Bengal
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Blue Mountain Metalworks | Custom Ornamental Metal Work | Architectural Metal Works | Forged Iron Work | Custom Exterior Railings | Custom Interior Railings | Custom Metal Design | Custom Ornamental Metal Work | Architectural Metal Works | Forged Iron Wor Custom Ornamental Metal Work | Architectural Metal Works | Forged Iron Work | Custom Exterior Railings | Custom Interior Railings | Custom Metal Design
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Avantika University - Top Design, Engineering and Management College Institute | MIT Institute of Design at Ujjain, MP Avantika University is India first Design Centered University, offers the BDes and MDes Programs in Industrial Design, Communication Design, User Experience and Interaction Design, offers the BTech Computer Science and Engineering, MBA, BBA Programs. We offer a unique #DESIGNEERING program based on learning by doing methodology.
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judi tavilljudi tavill art Judi Tavill: abstract artist creating contemporary ceramic sculpture and abstract art drawing with graphite in black white and grey on painted clay sculpture with mixed media art and objects for installation art purposes and art objects for modern interior design focussed on entanglement and protecJudi Tavill: abstract artist creating contemporary ceramic sculpture and abstract art drawing with graphite in black white and grey on painted clay sculpture with mixed media art and objects for installation art purposes and art objects for modern interior design focussed on entanglement and protection.
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Curioos | Wall Art Prints & Custom T-shirts by Top Graphic Artists Signed Art Prints, Framed Art, Canvas & Metal Prints in Limited Editions by Thousands of Independent Artists from 90 Countries! FAST Delivery + FREE ReturnsSigned Art Prints, Framed Art, Canvas & Metal Prints in Limited Editions by Thousands of Independent Artists from 90 Countries!
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Art Brokerage - Buy and Sell Fine Art - Art Dealers and Artwork for Sale Art Brokerage is designed to make buying and selling art online safe and easy. Our staff has more than 200 years of combined experience selling artwork.Art Brokerage is designed to make buying and selling art online safe and easy. Our staff has more than 200 years of combined experience selling artwork.
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ASIA CONTEMPORARY ART | Asia Contemporary Art Show Homepage The Asia Contemporary Art Show offers leading art galleries and artists from around the world the opportunity to meet with and sell to local and international collectors and art buyers twice each year in Hong Kong, with the next Show on October 8 - 11, 2020.
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Art Brokerage - Buy and Sell Fine Art - Art Dealers and Artwork for Sale Art Brokerage is designed to make buying and selling art online safe and easy. Our staff has more than 200 years of combined experience selling artwork.Art Brokerage is designed to make buying and selling art online safe and easy. Our staff has more than 200 years of combined experience selling artwork.
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Kids' art classes, summer camp | City Art Farm | Seattle City Art Farm grows imaginations by using materials from the garden and recycled goods. Art classes for kids and adults. Oil painting classes for adults. Needle Felting using wool from our own angora goats. Art camp for ages 6-16.City Art Farm grows imaginations by using materials from the garden and recycled goods. Art classes for kids and adults. Oil painting classes for adults. Needle Felting using wool from our own angora goats. Art camp for ages 6-16.
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Artworks: Buy Original Art Online, Paintings & More | India's largest online art gallery - Buy Authentic Art, Paintings, Traditional, Murals, Sculptures and Installations Online at ArtZolo. Art Advisory consultation. Free shipping worldwide.Buy Art Online
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Fantastic Art Performance | The Painters, 페인터즈,涂鸦秀,塗鴉秀,ペインターズ The 8 Painters you can't help but fall in love with after seeing them! Their fantastic art performance, THE PAINTERS Season2! Through the creative fusion of amazing live drawing, sensual urban dance and media art, It is a performance that dramatizes the process of creating a work of art.The 8 Painters you can't help but fall in love with after seeing them! Their fantastic art performance, THE PAINTERS Season2! Through the creative fusion of amazing live drawing, sensual urban dance and media art, It is a performance that dramatizes the process of creating a work of art.
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Aura Art After a couple of decades of researching and collecting art, Aura Art was formed in April 2006 by the Core Team (comprising of Daljit Singh Sethi and his sons Harmeet and Rishiraj), to fill the gaps in the Indian Art Industry - identifying and discovering value amongst the best of Indian art, utilising every available platform to promote art, assisting art lovers in building and maintaining their collections, working closely with the design space to meet their aesthetic requirements - with an aspiration to migrate to a fully Integrated Art House. Aura Art now boasts of some of the most prominent personalities from all walks of life in its Team.
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ARTBOOK.COM and D.A.P. / Distributed Art Publishers Museum exhibition catalogues, art and photography books, monographs, artist's books, architecture and design titles at ARTBOOK.COM, the art world's favorite online source for books on art and culture. We stock the extensive inventory of the D.A.P. catalog of Distributed Art Publishers, Inc., the exclusive distributor for museum publications by MoMA, MFA Boston, Guggenheim, Walker Art Center, Cooper Hewitt and international museums plus art, photo and architecture book publishers Damiani, DelMonico Books, Hatje Cantz, JRP Editions, Steidl, Walther König and a catalog of international art book publishers. Bookstores, museum shops and gift market trade stores are welcome to buy at our showrooms in New York City and Los Angeles.
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Work Boots, Work Clothes, Workwear | Work 'n More | Safety Clothes, Safety Equipment & Uniforms Work 'n More, the Northwest's Workwear Superstore, offering the best, most functional work boots, work clothing, workwear, ANSI safety clothing, uniforms and safety equipment for a range of work environments and casual use.
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Web Design Doncaster | Doncaster Graphic Designers | Work Creative Graphic Design in Doncaster by Work Creative
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Art auctions | Balclis art auctions | art online | Auctionet noFace-to-face and online art auction house. Sale of antiques. Painting. Sculpture. Design. Contemporary art. Eastern art. Jewels. Watches. Bid online through Auctionet.
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SCI-ART LAB - Science, Art, Litt, Science based Art & Science Communication Sci-Art Lab explores the relationship between Art , Science and Literature while communicating science!Sci-Art Lab explores the relationship between Art , Science and Literature while communicating science!
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Local Santa Cruz - Art, Artists and Entertainment Art feels good, and we are all about Santa Cruz Art, Galleries, Artists and Events. Learn the story behind the art, see why Santa Cruz art is so cool!Art feels good, and we are all about Santa Cruz Art, Artists and Events. Learn the story behind the art, see why Santa Cruz art is so cool!
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Envie d'Art | Online Art Gallery | Buy Contemporary Art For the past 20 years, the Envie d'Art website has presented a curated selection of 60+ artists & 1500 artworks, in its Paris gallery and international fairs.For the past 20 years, the Envie d'Art website has presented a curated selection of 60+ artists & 1500 artworks, in its Paris gallery and international fairs.
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Kids Art Lessons | Home & Painting Parties in CT Giggling Pig is the best art studio, focus on art lessons and art kits for kids with plush and book sets for kids. Also, provides painting home parties in Ct. Get in touch with us today +1 203-919-1153.Giggling Pig is the best art studio, focus on art lessons and art kits for kids with plush and book sets for kids. Also, provides painting home parties in Ct. Get in touch with us today +1 203-919-1153.
like 206
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Buy Paintings Online India | Most Beautiful Art Collection at Lowest Prices Shop Handmade Paintings, Canvas Prints, Portraits and Frames Online from India. Modern Styles at Affordable Cost. Art Customization Requests Accepted. Save upto 80% on Art. We Ship Worldwide. Shop Now !
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ZURB - Home ZURB, creating unique customer and user experiences. We are brand engineers that provide companies with strategic marketing, design and branding solutions. Work includes identity, branding, information design, web design, illustration, software design, icon design, and multimedia work.
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SY DESIGN SY Design Studio was founded in Seoul in 2011. SY Design engages in various fields such as furniture, product, space design, installation art, sculpture and art direction.SY Design Studio was founded in Seoul in 2011. SY Design engages in various fields such as furniture, product, space design, installation art, sculpture and art direction.
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Art Gallery Online: Best Online Art Work-GreenC Painting, Artwork & Sculptures-Buy a wide variety of affordable original Paintings, Artworks, and Sculptures from the GreenC-India's best online art store
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Personalised Work Clothing & Embroidered Uniforms UK | Intentional Designs Personalised Work Clothing & Embroidered Uniforms. We supply high quality, discount embroidered uniforms and work clothing, promotional clothing, PPE and accessories that ensure you and your staff promote your brand. We provide the very best garments and can either print or embroider.Personalised Work Clothing & Embroidered Uniforms. We supply high quality, discount embroidered uniforms and work clothing, promotional clothing, PPE and accessories that ensure you and your staff promote your brand. We provide the very best garments and can either print or embroider.
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NEVVAR SALİH İŞGÖREN - We are living your work, we are living with your work... We are living your work, we are living with your work...We are living your work, we are living with your work...
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Sync Creative - Graphic Design & Web development media company Saffron Walden, Cambridge and surrounding areas - bringing a new meaning to design in Cambridge Sync Creative are a new graphic design & web development studio in Saffron Walden, Cambridge - producing creative responses for a varied client base. Our work is thoughtfully conceived, well crafted and multifunctional.
like 1085
Concept Design,Industrial Design,Mechanical Design,Electronic Design Manufacturer and Supplier in China We are manufacturer of Concept Design in China, if you want to buy Industrial Design, Mechanical Design, Electronic Design, please contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships and cooperate with you.
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Design Principles & Practices Research Network The Design Principles & Practices Research Network: Exploring the nature, meaning and purpose of design.
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Brochure Design Company in Delhi, Gurugram | Graphic Design Agency in Delhi, Gurugram Brochure Design, Catalogue Design, Logo Design, Website Design, Advertising Agency, Brochure Designing Company, Graphic Design Company, Product Photography, Industrial Photography, Corporate Video, Product Video, Branding in Delhi NCR, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad, GhaziabadBrochure Design, Catalogue Design, Logo Design, Website Design, Advertising Agency, Brochure Designing Company, Graphic Design Company, Product Photography, Industrial Photography, Corporate Video, Product Video, Branding in Delhi NCR, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad, Ghaziabad
like 147
Marbella Design Art - Feria de Diseño Marbella -Art Marbella Marbella Design Art. Feria de Diseño en Marbella. Art Marbella and Marbella Fair. Descubre la feria de Diseño más importante en la Costa del Sol.Marbella Design Art. Feria de Diseño en Marbella. Art Marbella and Marbella Fair. Descubre la feria de Diseño más importante en la Costa del Sol.
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Best Fine Art Institute in Delhi-Sketching, Drawing, Painting and entrance preparation 9868214044 Welcome to Fine Art Institute- Professional 1 Year Diploma in Fine Arts, Sketching Classes, Drawing Classes, Art Classes, Creative fine Art , Hobby Courses etc
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Art Supplies: Easels, Art Projectors, Art Desks and More - Madison Art Shop Welcome to Madison Art Shop, where you will find a great selection of art supplies, easels, art studio furniture & more at the best prices!
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Collecting Antiques, Fine Art & Decorative Art: Trocadero online mall Authentic antiques, fine art and decorative art offered by credible American, European and Asian antiques dealers. Trocadero facilitates collecting antique art.
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Art Houz | Best Art Galleries in Chennai | Art Galleries India | Art Gallery Art Houz is one of the leading contemporary art galleries from South-India. Founded in 2012 by Vincent Adaikalraj, it ranks among the reputed art galleries in India. An art gallery that has played host to leading artists and promising ones. The gallery has a presence in Chennai and Bengaluru.
like 169
New York Art World® NYC City Art Culture & Gallery Receptions The New York Art presence that's getting the Culture Ready, A World Class Artist Community, Artists News Publication for Collectors and Art Dealers in NYC; charset=iso-8859-1
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Home - Textile Curator Textile Curator Art textiles website by Helen Adams. What is Textile Art? Textile Art is fine art using textile or fiber. Techniques include stitch, knit, crochet, weave, quiltArt textiles website by Helen Adams. What is Textile Art? Textile Art is fine art using textile or fiber. Techniques include stitch, knit, crochet, weave, quiltTextile Curator showcases interviews and fine art textiles from contemporary textile artists around the world. Covering all genres including, stitch, hand embroidery, machine embroidery, tapestry, weaving, quilting and more. Founded by Helen Adams.
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Art & Craft, Stationery, Graphic & Architectural materials from Art Friend - established since 1981 Art Friend has been serving fine art & graphic artists, hobbyists and companies in the design sector since 1981. We always aim to bring the finest and best-priced materials to our customers. We have a comprehensive range of paints, papers and pads, boards and canvas, inks and sprays, brushes, dry media, mix media, painting tools and display furniture, markers and pens, model and sculpting materials and tools, craft materials etc.
like 197
Katy Galbraith Mosaic art in Crieff - home decor, garden art, tile murals in recycled materials in Perthshire, Scotland Mosaic art for indoors and outdoors from recycled materials, commissions welcome. Located in West Perthshire, Scotland, UKMosaic art for indoors and outdoors from recycled materials, commissions welcome. Located in West Perthshire, Scotland, UK
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Exhibition Stall Design, Exhibition Stall Design India, Affordable Exhibition Stall Design,Trade Show Display Approachmedia is a Exhibitions Stall Designing Company in Ahmedabad,Exhibition Stall Design, Exhibition Stall Design India, Affordable Exhibition Stall Design,Trade Show Display, Corporate Exhibition Stall Design
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Jones Design Associates - Luxury Hospitality Design - Atlanta Georgia Jones Design Associates crafts luxury hospitality spaces for the most discerning guest and some of the premier hotel brands around the globeJones Design Associates crafts luxury hospitality spaces for the most discerning guest and some of the premier hotel brands around the globe
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Azexis Web Designers | E-commerce and CMS Web Design Ipswich, Suffolk Azexis Web Designers based in Ipswich, Suffolk, supply a broad range of content managed web design services to the UK and internationally. Services include bespoke and standard layout CMS and ecommerce web design and development.Homepage entry for default website
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like 205
DeviantArt - The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community DeviantArt is where art and community thrive. Explore over 350 million pieces of art while connecting to fellow artists and art enthusiasts.DeviantArt is where art and community thrive. Explore over 350 million pieces of art while connecting to fellow artists and art enthusiasts.
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Institute of Fine Arts | Fine Art Institute in Delhi | Diploma in Fine Arts in Delhi ✆ 9810425823 | Diploma in Fine Arts in Delhi, Art & Craft Classes in Delhi, Fine Art Diploma Online, Painting Classes
like 182
Hands On Art Studio|Door County|Fish Creek| Art Create your own art. Be an artist for the day. Paint pottery, canvases and glassware. Weld metal garden art. Fused glass. Mosaics. Fun for family & adults.Create your own art. Be an artist for the day. Paint pottery, canvases and glassware. Weld metal garden art. Fused glass. Mosaics. Fun for family & adults.
like 193
Northlight Art Studios Northlight Art Studios and Northlight Art School in Hebden Bridge West Yorkshire provides studio space for artists and craftspeople, creative art courses and workshops. Our artists and designers practice painting, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, stained glass, textiles and much more.Northlight Art Studios and Northlight Art School in Hebden Bridge West Yorkshire provides studio space for artists and craftspeople, creative art courses and workshops. Our artists and designers practice painting, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, stained glass, textiles and much more.
like 192
Sea Glass Jewellery, Pebble Art, Paintings & Prints Scottish Gift Shop – East Neuk Beach Crafts Sea Glass Jewellery, Sea Pottery Art & Watercolour Paintings - Handmade in Scotland - Online Scottish Gift Shop. Silver Earrings, Pendants & Necklaces. Beach Art in the East Neuk of Fife. Driftwood & Shells. Puffin, Seagull, Whale, Boats Pebble Art. Coastal & Seaside Décor. Anstruther, St Andrews, Crail, Pittenweem.Sea Glass Jewellery, Sea Pottery Art & Watercolour Paintings - Handmade in Scotland - Online Scottish Gift Shop. Silver Earrings, Pendants & Necklaces. Beach Art in the East Neuk of Fife. Driftwood & Shells. Puffin, Seagull, Whale, Boats Pebble Art. Coastal & Seaside Décor. Anstruther, St Andrews, Crail, Pittenweem.
like 174
Kang Collection Korean Art One of the premier galleries specializing in Korean art and antiquities, Kang Collection has served a community of museums, discerning private collectors, and Asian art scholars since 1981. Under the leadership of Keum Ja Kang, the gallery offers expertise, advice, appraisal services, and rare access to one of the finest, most comprehensive collections of Korean art in North America. Kang Collection's continues to bring the museum-quality Korean art of the past and future to a sophisticated audience that appreciates the importance of Korean art and culture for its innately unique beauty and its growing significance within a larger pan-Asian, global and art-historical context.
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Diane Rogers -UK Brighton Contemporary Textile Artist UK Textile artist /designer website - silk painted embroidery and acrylic paintings- contemporary textile artist /designer - art textiles - silk art - unique modern textile art - handpainted silk -natureonsilk- textileart-handmadedesignercraftUK Textile artist /designer website - silk painted embroidery and acrylic paintings- contemporary textile artist /designer - art textiles - silk art - unique modern textile art - handpainted silk -natureonsilk- textileart-handmadedesignercraft
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Art Online: Buy Paintings & Prints Online | Mojarto Buy Indian Contemporary paintings online at affordable prices on Mojarto. Browse from our largest collection of Original paintings, Sculptures, Limited Edition Serigraphs, Fine art prints, Traditional Folk Art, Photography and much more for you at Mojarto. Shop from our collection of over 20000 paintings. Visit us today!Buy Indian Contemporary paintings online at affordable prices on Mojarto. Browse from our largest collection of Original paintings, Sculptures, Limited Edition Serigraphs, Fine art prints, Traditional Folk Art, Photography and much more for you at Mojarto. Shop from our collection of over 20000 paintings. Visit us today!
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MA-EC art gallery milano Milan Art & Events Center Palazzo Durini Milano Art management & Art collectionMilan Art & Events Center Palazzo Durini Milano Art management & Art collection
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Irish Art Galleries - Art and Artists of Ireland. Features Irish art, Irish artists, art galleries in Ireland, details of exhibitions, art supplies, picture framing, Irish art schools. and more.
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Art History in Schools Art History in Schools is a charity that promotes and supports art history education in state schools across the UK. We provide CPD, workshops and materials to support the teaching of Art History in schools.Art History in Schools is a charity that promotes and supports art history education in state schools across the UK. We provide CPD, workshops and materials to support the teaching of Art History in schools.
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Home | Artist Sandra Iafrate | Gate Street Studio | Canada & USA Sandra Iafrate Gate Street Studio Fine Art: Classical, contemporary paintings of flowers, landscape and nature by Sandra Iafrate. Online and studio art for sale. Art advisory and commissions available for public and private collections. Painting Holiday Workshops to Italy Fall 2021Sandra Iafrate Gate Street Studio Fine Art: Classical, contemporary paintings of flowers, landscape and nature by Sandra Iafrate. Online and studio art for sale. Art advisory and commissions available for public and private collections. Painting Holiday Workshops to Italy Fall 2021
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Renozone Interior Design House - Established in 1998, Renozone Interior Design House is a member of CASETRUST/bizSAFE3/RCMA/HDB Licensed Holder. Our Motto: Endeavour to present our clients’ homes of their dream within their budgets and ensure full satisfaction in our work.Established in 1998, Renozone Interior Design House is a member of CASETRUST/bizSAFE3/RCMA/HDB Licensed Holder. Our Motto: Endeavour to present our clients’ homes of their dream within their budgets and ensure full satisfaction in our work.
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JA Design Studio | Graphic & Web Design | Branding | Multimedia JA Design Studio, design studio specialized in Brands, Web Design, Web Marketing and Electronic Commerce. Caldas da Rainha | LondonJA Design Studio is a rebranding life and launching the business in a new direction. We combine smart design with rich technology to craft innovative brand and business solutions. For every project, we take on we strive to deliver memorable and groundbreaking work for our clients. We are a full-service studio offering strategy, design and production across all platforms. We specialize in brand identities, social strategy and content creation.
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Acrylic print services | Cine-Affiches | Québec Cine Affiches is one of Canada's largest printer of art and photos on acrylic, aluminium and wood. Major retailers, smaller art shops, galleries and photography stores have come to rely on our superior service and quality of work.Cine Affiches is one of Canada's largest printer of art and photos on acrylic, aluminium and wood. Major retailers, smaller art shops, galleries and photography stores have come to rely on our superior service and quality of work.
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Play | Contemporary Female Artist New Zealand | Tess Sheerin Tess Sheerin is an artist hailing from New Zealand. Her work combines art and action, educating and inspiring change on issues of pollution awareness and wildlife conservation. New Zealand Contemporary Female Artist. New Zealand Painter and Sculptor. Pollution Awareness Art For Environmental Change.Tess Sheerin is an artist hailing from New Zealand. Her work combines art and action, educating and inspiring change on issues of pollution awareness and wildlife conservation. New Zealand Contemporary Female Artist. New Zealand Painter and Sculptor. Pollution Awareness Art For Environmental Change.
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Freelance Designer in Newcastle upon Tyne - Will Howe Logo Design, Brand Design, Graphic Design & Website Design in Newcastle upon Tyne by Freelance Designer & Design Director Will Howe.Logo Design, Brand Design, Graphic Design & Website Design in Newcastle upon Tyne by Freelance Designer & Design Director Will Howe.
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SARA BERNARDI | MICROmacro Design | Interiors, product, furnitures, installation Architect and designer, Sara Bernardi designs interiors, furniture and installations. She founded her Atelier in Beijing as a Design laboratory, focusing on contradictions and dichotomies, grafting different design scales and mixing different cultural identities and influences.Architect and designer, Sara Bernardi designs interiors, furniture and installations. She founded her Atelier in Beijing as a Design laboratory, focusing on contradictions and dichotomies, grafting different design scales and mixing different cultural identities and influences.
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Product design - Corpus-C Design Agentur - Product Design, User Interface Design We are Corpus-C Design Agency, located in Fürth near Nürnberg. We develop innovative and functional product design solutions with business areas in Consumer and Capital goods, Medical Design and Laboratory Design. Strategic design and pioneering product solutions.
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Business Website | Logo Design Trivandrum | Website Developing Company Trivandrum | Website Creating Company Kerala | Website Design | website application development company kerala | website application development company Trivandrum We Soft Creations is one of the leading website design and logo design companies in Trivandrum Kerala. We offer services in website design logo design and SEO
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Click To Search, Website Designing, Software Development, Digital Marketing Company, Mysore, India Click To Search,Click To Search Mysore, Click To Search R.s Naidu Nagar Mysopre,CTS, website design and development company in mysore, best web development company in mysore,Web Design Company Mysore,Web Application Development, Top Web Development Companies,Web Design Development in Mysore,Web Services | Web Design Company in Mysore | Web Development, webdesign company mysore mysuru, karnataka,Software, Software Consulting Services,IT, Information Technology, Software Development, Database Management Services, Free Consultation, Software Company in Mysore, Software Companies in Mysore, Software Company in India, Software Companies in India, Software Company in India, Software Company in Karnataka, Software Development Company in Mysore, Software Development Company in India, Software Development Company in Karnataka, Best Software Company in Mysore, Software Solutions, Information Technology, Software Consultation Services, innovative solutions, Experience in the Technology Industry, Software Consultation Services Relating to Software Development, provides offshore software development services and information technology solutions to small business, mid-size firms, large companies, and global corporates, Web, Web Application Development, Application Development, Web Development, Web Designing, Portal Development, E Commerce Solutions, Web Products, Online Marketting, Domain Registration, Hosting - Web & Email Services, Website Maintenance & Support, Web application development company in Mysore, Web application development company in karnataka, Web application development company in India, Web design company in Mysore, WebSite design company in Mysore, Best Web design company in Mysore, Web designers in Mysore, Web design company in India, WebSite design company in India, Best Web design company in India, Web designers in India, Transaction systems, Business Intelligence, Integration with back-end systems, Document Management Systems (DMS), Newsletter, Product management system, Stock manager system
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Lim + Lu Lim and Lu, Hong Kong based interior designer specializing in residential design, commercial design, restaurant design, office design, and hospitality design. Vincent Lim, Elaine Lu.Lim and Lu, Hong Kong based interior designer specializing in residential design, commercial design, restaurant design, office design, and hospitality design. Vincent Lim, Elaine Lu.
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Home Page - POH Architects Founded in 1971, Pieper O'Brien Herr Architects provides quality Architectural, Interior Design and Graphic Design services on a wide variety of project types throughout the United States and Europe. With a staff of over 40 professionals, we have the expertise and creativity to design a successful project-in both function and aesthetic terms. The firm is based in Atlanta, Georgia with a branch office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is annually ranked among Atlanta's ‘Top 25 Architectural Firms’ and ‘Top 25 Interior Design Firms’ by the Atlanta Business Chronicle. We at Pieper O’Brien Herr Architects are committed to seeing your project through from start to finish in a timely and cost-efficient manner. We place our emphasis where it should be - on quality service and client satisfaction.Founded in 1971, Pieper O'Brien Herr Architects provides quality Architectural, Interior Design and Graphic Design services on a wide variety of project types throughout the United States and Europe. With a staff of over 40 professionals, we have the expertise and creativity to design a successful project-in both function and aesthetic terms. The firm is based in Atlanta, Georgia with a branch office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is annually ranked among Atlanta's ‘Top 25 Architectural Firms’ and ‘Top 25 Interior Design Firms’ by the Atlanta Business Chronicle. We at Pieper O’Brien Herr Architects are committed to seeing your project through from start to finish in a timely and cost-efficient manner. We place our emphasis where it should be - on quality service and client satisfaction.
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University of the Arts London UAL is a world Top 2 university for art and design according to the QS World University Rankings® and Europe's largest specialist university for art and design.UAL is a world Top 2 university for art and design according to the QS World University Rankings® and Europe's largest specialist university for art and design.
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Silvio Rugolo Fine Art Photography Silvio Rugolo Fine Art Photography - View and Buy Fine art prints for interior design, custom walls, hotels, houses. Travel, Urban, Landscape and Portrait photography. Shipping internationally. Fine Art signed prints, limited editions, for custom design walls and decorations. Prints on canvas, fine art museum papers, long lasting 100+ years guaranteed.
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|► ► Art school in Florence, Italy - Accademia D'Arte L’Accademia D’Arte AD’A offers courses in art and culture intended for all those interested in learning about and enlarging upon existing knowledge of specific artistic disciplines. The academy operates in Florence
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Luxury Retail Packaging Design | Premium Packaging Agency | Oyster UK Oyster UK offer bespoke luxury packaging to brands across the world. We've quickly gained a great reputation for the quality of our work. We've created luxury retail packaging for high-profile clients that are thrilled with our work. From internet packaging to bespoke carrier bags.Oyster UK offer bespoke luxury packaging to brands across the world. We've quickly gained a great reputation for the quality of our work. We've created luxury retail packaging for high-profile clients that are thrilled with our work. From internet packaging to bespoke carrier bags.
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We are Human After All — a design agency in London London design agency specialising in brand and communications. We work with reason and empathy across brand, copy, digital, design. We are Human After All.London design agency specialising in brand and communications. We work with reason and empathy across brand, copy, digital, design. We are Human After All.